Keep me human?

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(Y/N) POV: "What?" I wanted to make sure that I heard Josh correctly. "You don't feel like you're changing? But that's impossible! No one has ever been able to stop the Wendigo changing process!" Of course, my Wendigo hunting instincts began to come out.
   "Well, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong." He shrugged. I knew we were both taken aback by the news.
   "Well that doesn't matter now! You need to rest!" I told him sternly. I felt stupid as soon as I did, because it sounded like I was mothering him. I hoped he didn't notice the tone in my voice, but of course he did!
   "I'm fine, I promise." He said, eyeing me weirdly.
Josh's POV: I regretted the tone in my voice as soon as I said it. I didn't want to make (Y/N) feel bad. But of course, she looked hurt.
   "Good night." She said, looking at her feet. Awww man, I'm such an ass!
   "Night." I said half-heartedly. I knew she didn't hear me, as I heard her cry quietly. It wasn't of what had happened a few seconds ago, but that was as much as I knew. She was upset for a reason, and I WOULD find out... Soon enough.
(Y/N) POV: Damn! I was crying! I was holding in my feelings but Josh making me feel weird did it! I was crying because of well... Everything!!! But most of all, I missed my mom and dad! They weren't here to guide me anymore, and now, I was so lost!
(Y/N) POV: The night went good I guess. As well as a girl that cries herself  to sleep can go. I was purely exhausted! I fell asleep without my katana next to me. One mistake that a Wendigo hunter should NEVER make! Well, under normal circumstances... But Josh was... Different. He didn't seem interested in hurting and eating me!
   But you can never be too sure, which is what I realized after I woke up. But... I guess... Everything happens for a reason!
"JOSH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING????" I screamed in agony, terror, shock, and betrayal combined!
He had his teeth wrapped around my arm in a full Wendigo bite!!!
Josh's POV: I was so tired last night that I conked out in minutes! Sadly, I didn't seem to be in control. My Wendigo side was! I woke up with my teeth in full bite on (Y/N) arm.
"I don't know!" I said, in a sudden burst of tears. "I just woke up I swear!" I cried. I effed up everything and I KNEW it! In a jolt of terror, (Y/N) jumped away from me. Like she didn't want me to be around her. But really... Who the HELL could blame her?!?!?! I surely couldn't.
"I'm so sorry!" I yelled. But I knew that it wouldn't make any difference. She had tears crawling down her face. I hated myself. So I bounded over her, into a snowstorm... How cliché of me! ;)
(Y/N) POV: I didn't want to look at Josh, I was afraid of him! And I knew that he saw that fear. So he left! He jumped at, at the time, what I thought was me! But he just leapt over me and into a snowstorm like an idiot!
   "Josh come back!!!" I screamed. But I knew that even if he did hear me over the roaring winds, he wouldn't come back. So... As you could probably guess... I ran after him like an idiot myself! So much for trying to keep him human!
Sorry for a shorter chapter, but for the planed next chapter, it would turn out too long. Sorry but more to come soon! If I can figure out how to do algebra class!!! Stupid absolute value equations! (Harder than they sound!)

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