Setting out

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Josh's POV: I woke up with (Y/N) still asleep on my shoulder. My shoulder was cramped from the extra weight but I didn't care! It actually felt good... Like... I had... No! Josh! Don't get attached to her that quick! She'll just leave in the end like the others.
   For now I enjoyed the sweet sound of (Y/N) heavy breathing. The storm was done and it was sunny! It took away all of the signs of frostbite in both of us. It felt so soothing and nice.
   (Y/N) started to stir. She lifted her head up slowly and rubbed her eyes. She seemed just as surprised as me to see the sun. But it was slowly setting. We slept through the day! Of course! The bite had happened early morning.
   "Good 'morning' Josh." She said slowly.
   "Morning sleepy head." I teased her as I used to with my si... Stop Joshua! She's not your sister!
   "I'm starving!" (Y/N) said, and, as if on cue, her stomach growled. I realized that I was hungry too!
   "I could hunt for us... And you could get a fire going to cook it." I told her.
   "Nah. I got some emergency deer meat from last night in my pack." She said, looking right at me serenely. "But I'm not sure that it'll be enough for me and you, because, you know."
   "Right." I replied on the topic of my Wendigo hunger. "Well you're more important right now, so you can have the more of it." I told her, knowing that she was famished.
   "No! Josh, we'll split it half and half." She said, her mind obviously set.
   "Ok, sounds good!" I said back. She got a fire going and heated the meat. It was more than I suspected that there would be! It tasted amazing!
   "We should probably head back to the cave." I said. We were both tired and the sun was down. I then realized that I hadn't heard a peep out of her in a while. I turned and saw her sleeping on the deerskin blanket.
   "I see how it is." I said sarcastically. I smiled and picked her up in the blanket. Luckily, she had everything that she brought with her cuddled next to her in the blanket.
   The walk was long but fine, since I had the Wendigo strength to carry (Y/N)
   "I'm so sorry." I whispered on the way back. "I NEVER wanted to hurt you... I promise" I knew that she didn't hear me, but I needed to just SAY that! It felt good.
   When we got back, I set (Y/N) down and took her weapons out of the blanket. Just so she didn't hurt herself in the middle of the night. I proceeded to re-wrap her in the blanket as she breathed deeply.
   "You really are still just a lost little kid aren't you?" I asked the sleeping little girl. (A/N you are 17 and Josh is 20)
   "I hope you don't mind (Y/N)." I told her. I layed down next to her and wrapped my arm around her. To my surprise, she snuggled closer to me. My eyes widened in surprise.
   "Aren't you still afraid of me?" I asked incredulously, thinking that I wouldn't get a reply.
   "Nope!" She replied to my surprise. She had her eyes closed but she was smiling.
   "Sorry, Josh. I just woke up." She giggled. "I don't want to still be afraid of you." I laughed.
   "Goodnight (Y/N)." I said quietly.
   "Goodnight my little Wendigo." (Y/N) said sarcastically. I laughed and we fell asleep together.
(Y/N) POV: And that's when the night terrors came back...

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