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(Y/N) POV: There was a loud Wendigo scream that I had totally remembered... The Makkapiccu! It found me! It found us! Josh was the fastest reactor and jumped in front of me... Protecting me??? He did a loud Wendigo scream back and attacked the Makkapiccu. Apparently it was expecting the jump just as much as I did. None!
Josh's POV: PROTECT!!!! (Y/N) was way too important to let her die so I jumped at the Wendigo. I caught it by surprise and pushed it out of our cave. It screamed and tried to bite me but I was too quick and I pushed it away some more. It turned around to run away but looked back at me. The message was clear, this isn't over! I made sure it left and ran back to (Y/N)She looked terrified.
(Y/N) POV: I was terrified!!! But Josh saved me! He actually protected me! I sobbed out of relief as I just saw my life flash before my eyes. "Josh!" I cried and ran up to him. My arm still hurt like hell but I gave him the tightest hug EVER!!! "You saved me! You did! You really did!" I cried.
"It was nothing, really," he said shyly.
"Shut up!!! It really was!" I still hugged him but he didn't hug me back, probably because he wasn't used to being hugged by a person because of what happened now 4 days ago. After a while he hugged me back and put his head on mine. And then I realized I was hugging a Wendigo and I pulled away awkwardly. He seemed to understand and looked really disappointed.
   "I'm sorry, Josh." I said super shyly.
   "It's fine, I'm used to it." Josh replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Then he walked away and sat back in his own little corner mumbling again.
   Looking at the sky I knew that I had about 3 hours until dawn and decided there was no point in trying to sleep. So I went back to my old trick of pretending to sleep. And he just kept staring.
   In the morning I thanked Josh again really shyly.
   "Thanks for saving me from the Makkapiccu." I said quietly.
   "The wha...?" He said, obviously confused.
"You know, the monster...?" I said suspiciously.
"Oohhhhh! You meant the Makkapitew!" He said, realization dawned on his voice.
   "Yeah that." I said, feeling stupid that I didn't know my own enemy's name.
   "It's cool." He said. For a guy with an extended mouth, he didn't talk much, probably because he was insecure about the way he sounded. I honestly couldn't blame him. I changed the subject.
   "So.... What are we gonna eat?" I asked, knowing that I didn't want to eat the dried rice that I had in my pack any more! I knew it was a stupid question after I asked.
   "Unless you like people, I don't know what to tell you." He said quickly. I gagged unconsciously.
   "Sorry." I said. "But don't you think that we can both just hunt for deer or something?" I was hopeful.
   "You really don't understand Wendigos do you?" He asked, offended.
   "I guess not as much as I though, why?"
   "We can't eat anything other than humans, it's too hard to try!" He yelled at me. I backed away.
   "I'm sorry, I just thought that we could try together." I said, avoiding eye contact until the last second. He noticed the movement and his eyes softened.
   "Sure, we can try." He said finally.

Until Dawn (Josh X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now