The Cave That Changed My Life

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(Y/N) POV:
   OWWWEEYY!!!! That jump probably just saved my life! Good decision (Y/N! Even though I knew my arm wasn't supposed to look like that! OWWWEEYY!!!! I narrowly missed a huge boulder that definitely would've ended my life in a heartbeat! I had to find shelter from the Makkapiccu. But where? I seemed to be looking for hours when finally, I found a cave!
   I scrambled inside, just wanting shelter! I laid down on a hard rock that at the time seemed like the most wonderful thing ever! And then came the growl... It was more of a grunt but you get the point! I jumped up so quickly, thinking it was the Makkapiccu. It wasn't. But it was close!          I knew that I would have to fight so I popped my arm back in place just like how my mom showed me when I was little. POP! OWWWEEYY!!!!! I cringed from the pain but looked back at my attacker. And I nearly passed out!

Josh's POV: Human, human, human!!!! In MY cave! Food, food, food, more food!!! She had a strange arm that made her look injured... Perfect!!! FOOD! Then that popping noise came and her arm looked ok
again. Oh well more FOOD anyway!

(Y/N) POV:
I cringed as I looked at the awfully disfigured... THING! It had a crazy look in it's eyes, ready for more food I suppose. And it had it's mouth extended with sharp teeth on the side, and regular ones in their normal places. HE, I guess, just kept staring at me! And then I made the mistake to take a step back!
The part Wendigo part human lunged at me! Then pinned me against the cave's wall. And did that high pitched Wendigo scream at me. I moved my shoulders up to my ears as an involuntary movement and the Wendigo threw me to the side. Like I needed my arm to be any more injured! "So that's how you want to play it eh?" I yelled at him. And for the first time today, I was the one who lunged at the other! I grabbed out my katana and slammed it against the Wendigo. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Being half human, he was still weaker than all of the other Wendigos.
   I thrust my katana at his throat. Sadly, I recognized the Wendigo, it was Joshua Washington. He must've got left behind on the trip and he must've been starving. Knowing it took around 3 days to a week to turn full Wendigo, I tried to ask him a question. Maybe he might understand me?
"State your name!" I yelled at him. He had the saddest look on his face. I pulled the katana away from his throat out of pity. I crouched to his level, "State your name please." I whispered in his ear. He must've still had some common decency left in him, as he didn't attack me as I got close to him. He whispered his name softly.
"Joshua Washington." He whispered. Ok, so he could understand me.
"Ok Josh, why are you here?"
Josh's POV: OWWWEEYY!!! She hit me hard! But she didn't kill me? Surprising. She was kind enough to spare me and only question me! I answered her first question with my real name. Then she asked why I was here. So I told her about everything! It took me about half an hour! I know I might've made a mistake to trust her, but she was all I had, and I just met her!!!
(Y/N) POV: Josh took like half and hour to answer my question! But now I knew everything! "Josh, I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you!" And I was being truthful! I didn't want anyone to turn out like this. "But I can't stay. Soon you'll be a full Wendigo and I'll be in full danger!" I hated to say it but it was totally true!
   "Don't leave me!" He whimpered.
   "Josh, I'm so sorry, I really am, but I just met you! And you almost killed me!" I defended myself
   "Touché!" He spat back at me. His English wasn't very good, in fact it was sort of slurred so I couldn't understand a lot of it. But.... Of course.... I gave in!
   "Alright fine! I'll stay, just don't eat me, or it's your death that you're asking for!" I warned him from the beginning.
   "Thank ooouuuu!!!" He said in that slurred voice. This was definitely the cave that would change my life! For the better or worse, I wasn't quite sure yet.

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