The end

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(Y/N)'s POV: Josh went for the Makapichu with all that he had! I grabbed Sam while they were fighting.

"Ooowowowowowow!" Sam screeched.

"I'm sorry I know it hurts but you have to be quiet unless you want the Makapichu to come after us!" She nodded and looked down at her leg, which was twisted at an odd angle. "This is gonna hurt so I'm sorry in advance." I warned her.

"What are you gonna...? OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!" She screeched as I put her leg back in place. It was a good skill to have, just not pretty to watch it happen. Or ,especially, feel it. The Makapichu turned towards Sam and I, while Josh was sitting in the corner nursing his wounds. The Wendigo lunged at the Makapichu and attacked it in Josh's place. While the Makapichu was momentarily distracted, I carried Sam on my back and went over to Josh.

"(Y/N), get out of here! It's not safe! Just go back with Sam and take her back to society. We can hold off the Makapichu for a while but not for long... Just go back please! I want to keep you two safe one last time!" And in the pit of my heart, I knew what had to be done... It was time to let go of each other. But, somewhere inside of me, I found one last piece of hope. Maybe I was the key to stopping all of this Wendigo business. Maybe, just maybe, I could save the others one last time.

"HEY!!!!!" I screamed at the Makapichu, seeing that he was finished with the other Wendigo. The Wendigo laid in the corner, not moving. I knew what had happened. And I thanked him for his heroism. The Makapichu looked over at me, ready for its next kill. I lunged at him, like I did when my father was killed. Grabbing my katana off of my back, I slashed at it super fast. I was done seeing all of my family and friends get killed! No more! I'm done! This is it for me! I hope that Josh will live on with Sam, Wendigo or not!

"(Y/N)! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?! STOP IT NOW! GET OVER HERE AND STAY SAFE! I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO LET YOU DIE NOW!" Josh yelled at me. He also lunged at the Wendigo. Together, we fought until the very end. Having one person was easy for the Makapichu, but two? And one being a hybrid? Now that was a whole 'nother story. We both slashed and bit and scratched and kicked the Makapichu. But it was hard to just kill it with brute strength.

"Josh! (Y/N)! Use this!" Sam cried out, throwing an old can of deodorant and a lighter. I jumped out of the way of the Makapichu and grabbed the two items.

"JOSH! MOVE!" I screamed. He got the message and jumped out of the way. I sprayed the little can of deodorant onto the lighter, creating a make-shift flamethrower. The Makapichu jumped at me as I sprayed it right at its face. It screeched and cried out in pain. The Makapichu turned into, what looked to be, a fried human. It was still alive though. I threw the lighter and deodorant aside, knowing what had to be done. I grabbed my katana and slashed at it.... Missing. Even though the Makapichu was close to death it still was quick. And that was my fatal mistake.

"(Y/N)! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Josh screamed as I was grabbed my the Makapichu. It used its huge amount of strength to rip into my flesh. Josh ran up to the Makapichu and tore its head off while giving a giant Wendigo screech. I knew that Josh couldn't stop the cycle of Wendigos, and at one point, he would be one. But at this moment, he lost the rest of his humanity. He was no longer a human, he was a Wendigo. As he ran up to me with his last moments of being a human, he cried out his last words.

"(Y/N). I'm so sorry. I couldn't help you! And now you're gonna.... Gonna..... Oh god no I'm so sorry! I never wanted any of this to happen! All of this is my fault. All of this because I wanted to play a dumb prank! I hate my life and I wish I was dead! Why do you have to be the one to suffer? You didn't do anything! What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?!"

"Josh... *cough* It's okay. I know that you didn't want this to happen but.... I did. I was so miserable without my family. I need to be with them. I can't keep living like this. But please. Don't blame yourself. *cough* I love you so much." He cried into my chest.

"I love you too!" I smiled, closing my eyes and letting the light take me away.

Josh's POV: She just.... Died. And it's all my fault. I want to carry out her last wish but... I can't! I can't! I can't! I'm not strong enough!

"Sam. Go. Go back to society right now! I can't come with you! I won't be a human anymore. Go!" That's when I became a Wendigo. My eyes glazed over with a foggy haze. I looked over at Sam, no longer seeing one of my best friends, but a fresh meal. Sam knew what was happening and ran out of the cave. I looked back at the girl in front of me. Who was she? I almost remember her name but I can't quite put my finger on it. Oh god no! What am I doing to (Y/N)???? Why am I eating her? No please. No. This is my punishment. Eternal suffering. I deserve this. She didn't though. Oh.... Oh well. FRESH FOOD!!!!!! ARGGGGHHHH!!!!


Author's note: Ok. I got some shit to explain. I never imagined that the story would end this way, but. The more I worked on it, the more I knew that this couldn't end like a perfect fairy tale. I wanted to end this as realistically as possible. If you wish to know, Sam didn't die in the story. She made it back to society to tell the others. When she finished, she went crazy over everything. And, that's about it... You can interpret the ending any way that you want. I don't care. But, in all honesty, I was so happy to see that I almost had 1,000 reads! That's insane! Like wut!?!??!?! I thank you all so much for reading! I'm glad that I got to spend these past few months with you guys. And, right now, I'm working on a Markiplier X Reader story.... Kind of. You'll see soon.... Muhahahahaha! And also, if you like Undertale, go check out the profile HANANDSEL! That is me and my friend's shared page. We are writing an Undertale story, so if you like Undertale, I recommend that you go read that! Once again thank you so much for these past over six months!!!!!!! That's crazy to think I've written this story for that long! I hope you enjoyed my Diamonds! Stay sparkly!

Until Dawn (Josh X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora