The morning is safe

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(Y/N) POV: I sadly remembered all of the things that had happened last night, even if I was 'asleep' the whole time. I kept waking up but going back to sleep because I wanted to evade the inevitable conversation that we would have in the morning. But eventually, I knew that I just had to wake up!
I tried to get up silently so Josh could stay sleeping, but that didn't work, of course! I stood up and he sat up too, rubbing his eyes. The day was cloudy and it looked like it was about to storm. The weather felt like my mood today.
"Hi (Y/N)..." Josh said, trying to strike up the inevitable conversation.
"Sup?" I said, smiling, trying to avoid that much hated conversation!
"We both know that you can't avoid this (Y/N)!" Josh told me.
"I know Josh, but I really want to!" I wined like a little kid.
"What was happening last night? You were going crazy!" He said.
"It's just the way I was born, ok Josh?" I said, getting a little irritated.
"I didn't mean it like that!" He said, trying to save himself. I felt bad for yelling.
"I'm sorry Josh." I told him. "It's just..."
"Yeah?" He asked slowly, as I was trying to find the right words for it.
"My subconscious is like a totally different person than me! It's more cautious, and it can hurt people! That's what was going on last night. I try to wake myself up, and I try to control it but I can't!" I said, tearing up. He looked like he wanted to hug me. I needed that right now, but I had to stay strong.
"(Y/N), I'm so sorry." Josh said quietly. "Do you even remember the things that you said?" He asked.
"A few things. Like when I said that it hurts, and for you not to kill me, and when I said you would... Betray me." I said the last two words in a small voice, looking away.
"Is that all?" He prodded me on.
"Did I say something else?!?!?!" I asked, starting to panic.
"Well... You said that you didn't want to feel the pain like your parents did..." Josh said slowly.
"Oh dear god!" I said, knowing the secret was out.
"Are your parents... Dead?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I told him slowly. "They were killed by Wendigos." I said, going on. "We were all Wendigo hunters." I said. His eyes widened. He seemed to be intrigued with the story.
"Go on." He said, but realizing that it was rude he said, "I mean, only if you want to!" He fixed his past mistake.
"No it's fine I'll keep going." I said, reassuring him.
"Ok." Josh said, almost satisfied.
"My mother was killed first, a year ago. We were in our home cave just like this one when the Makkapitew attacked us! My mother pushed me out of the way right as the Makkapitew jumped on her, crushing her head! It then proceeded to eat her right in my face! In my rage, I sliced at the Wendigo with my katana.
   "My father became depressed after I had fought off the Wendigo. And raged. He wasn't quite right ever again. We left our cave and stayed outside all of the time. My dad was convinced that we HAD to kill the Makkapitew! We eventually found it but it looked like a different Makkapitew... Your sister Hannah.
   "She attacked my father but he had his flamethrower to keep us safe. He was doing good keeping us safe, but another Wendigo came in and attacked me! I tried to hold it off from my father but it scratched me across the stomach and wounded me severely." I lifted up my shirt and showed him the wound. A long scratch across my stomach that was once wide as hell!
   "The Wendigo left me for some reason and jumped on my father, ripping off his head. In MY rage, I killed the little Wendigo out of pure willpower! The Makkapitew took my father and escaped, I had no one." I said, tears running down my face.
   "But 10 months later, I found you! And now, I'm not so alone." I have my best smile but it just turned sad.
   "Awwwwww... (Y/N)." Josh said sympathetically. He grabbed me into a hug. I hugged him back for a while, just crying. When we stopped, I felt better.
   "I'm so sorry my sister killed your parents. I feel like an ass!" He said, looking ashamed.
   "It's not your fault Josh!" I told him, knowing his emotions were coming back out.
   "But if I hadn't gotten drunk and fell asleep, my sisters wouldn't have ran out in the storm, almost died, and Hannah turned into the Makkapitew!" He said exasperated. "See? It all goes full circle!" He yelled, upset with himself. I realized that he was talking about the Butterfly Effect.
"I don't want to put anyone in pain like you!" He said, a tear falling down his face. I couldn't handle it anymore! He was so caring! And I didn't care what he looked like, he really liked me and I saw it! And I liked him too! I grabbed him on the shoulders, pulled him close to me, and kissed him! Full on the lips! He fell into the kiss and grabbed me around my waist.
Josh's POV: I felt so bad that my sister killed her father! I felt like I was responsible for Her fathers' death! She deserved someone better to protect her. But once again that amazing girl showed pity on me! And she kissed me! Right on the lips! I grabbed her waist and kissed her tighter.
   When we stopped kissing we both just looked away and blushed like a couple of goofs! She was the first one to talk.
   "That was... Nice." She smiled at me, and I smiled back like a nerd!
   "Yeah." Was all that I could get out. "But you aren't afraid of me hurting you! Why?" I asked the question on both of our minds.
   "Because, you care about me!" She laughed.
   "But I hurt you yesterday!" I pointed to her arm.
   "I don't really care!" She laughed again.
   "That was nice but let's hope that we can get rid of these night terrors!" I said, ruining the moment.
   "For now we're safe. The morning is the safe spot of the day!" She told me with a pretty glow in her eyes.
   "Then we got to think of a plan!" I said, pounding my fist on my open hand.

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