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Josh's POV: "Hi Sam..." I said sadly and looked away. She looked horrified as I let her sit up slowly.
   "Oh my god Josh! What happened to you?" She was freaking out but went in for a hug. I backed away quickly so she couldn't. She looked sad but understanding was in her eyes. I decided to turn back to (Y/N).
   "Oh my god! Is she ok? Who is she?" Sam was asking too many questions and I kind of snapped.
   "What do you seem to care so much about her and you don't even know her? You didn't seem to care so much about me when I went missing! So maybe Sam, you should head back to your cozy little home while I take care of my girlfriend!" The word 'girlfriend' was used a little bit too loosely. Sam looked confused I gave an exasperated sigh.
   "Sam I met her on the mountain! She was alone like me and we took pity on each other. Even though I'm part Wendigo now and she's a Wendigo hunter! Do you get it now SAM?" I spat out her name and extended the syllables. She looked kind of scared now, but I wasn't sorry.
   "But I thought that you could only turn into a Wendigo if you ate human flesh! And how could you have..... Ooooooohhhhhh." She realized that I was starving and I took my chances with the flesh. And there was plenty in the mines. She took a couple steps back. I rolled my eyes and sighed again.
   "Oh my god Sam I get it! I'm a monster! I've heard it enough from (Y/N) except the difference is is that she forgave me and took time to know me like this!" I pointed to myself as Sam started to tear up. I felt bad... But not bad enough to comfort her as she cried.
   I went back to (Y/N) to see that she was fully awake and staring in awe. She looked happy and teary at the same time.
(Y/N) POV: I woke up just as someone walked inside of the cave. She, I assumed, was wearing heavy winter clothing and carried a pistol with her for protection. I listened to Josh and her's conversation. They seemed to know each other. Should I be worried? Nah, I realized after he called me his girlfriend and started to yell at the poor girl. But the things that Josh said, did she really leave him here?
   Josh turned around to check on me and saw that was awake. At this point I was tearing up from how he had defended me and said that I was the one who took time to get to know him. He ran up to me, looking worried.
   "Oh (Y/N), are you hurt? Why are you crying?" He sounded so panicked and worried about my well being. I just smiled and hugged him.
   "Did you really mean what you said about me being your girlfriend? Did you really want to defend me like that?" I was crying into his shoulder now.
   "Of course I did (Y/N). I love you!" I could feel him smile into the crook of my neck.
   "I love you too Josh! I always will!" I smiled into his chest. We stayed like this for a while until we heard Sam, I think that was her name, scream. We both jolted and turned around... She was gone.
Sam's POV: I was so stupid to come back up here. I made a last minute decision to come with the officers to the mountain. They wouldn't be able to survive without someone who has been here before. But as I fell off a small hill by I cave, I decided to go in, pistol and all. I looked back quickly and saw a huge cliff that I could've fallen off of if I wasn't careful. At least I just fell off of a smaller one next to it.
   As I walked into the cave, I found Josh! But he seemed different. As our conversation went on, I realized that he was a part Wendigo now. I began to cry as he kept accusing me of leaving him here. I cried as he turned to (Y/N) to find that she was awake and seemed ok. She didn't look injured. But I realized too late after thinking and crying at the same time got me some unwanted attention. I felt swift arms pick me up. I screamed as the thing knocked me out.
Thanks y'all for reading I hope you like it! And almost 500 reads? That's amazing! Comment if you like the story! And sorry for the cliff hanger! I hope you enjoyed! Get ready for some Wendigo action next chapter! See ya!

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