Chapter 2

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Sam's Point Of View
Wednesday, August 23, 2015

I woke up, realizing I slept in. It was 1:49 in the afternoon. Oh damnit, I hope I have enough time to get ready and warm up.

"Camille wake up! Come on the game is in less than two hours!" I whisper-yelled.

She groaned. "What do you want from my life, Im trying to sleeeeppp."

"Its about to be 2! Get your lazy bottom out of the freaking bed! Im gonna get cold water and pour it all over you."

"Ugh fine."

We got up and slipped in to our soccer uniform. Then we started strapping our shin guards. While Camille walked to the kitchen, I cleaned my room and fixed the beds.

"Wanna glass of milk?" Camille yelled from the other room.

"Yes please!" I replied while fixing my hair.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the cup. I gulped down my milk and grabbed the keys to my bike lock.

"Hey we're riding on your bike?" Camille asked me.

"Yup! Your gonna stand the whole ride to the field." I smirked.

"Ugh great."

We made our way outside as I rolled out my bike and Cam brought out some extra clothes and other personal items.

I straddled on the seat as Cam adjusted her bag on her back and stood on the two rails on the back wheel.

"You hype!?" I screamed

"Hell yeah Im hype! You hype!?"

"Ya Im hype! We sound like idiots.".

"We are." Cam reassured me.

"Well yeah. True that.".

We were quiet for the rest of the ride. As I rode through the parking lot. Camille mentioned something.

"Hey isn't that Chandler's car?".

I looked over to the white mazda 6 car parked in front of the field.

"Yup hes here."

I got off and locked the bike. I motioned to Camille to tell her to put the stuff down. I looked around and saw Chandler.

"Hi babe!" Chandler came and hugged me.

"Hi Chan!"

He planted his soft, sweet lips on mine.
I kissed back for what seemed like forever. I snapped back into reality and realized that the game was about to start.

"Okay go have fun out there." Chandler said.


Just him being here made me happy. He was always away doing filming and panels and stuff.

The whistle blew and the game began.

Time Skip

"Alright girls line it up!" I yelled

Each and every one of the girls made a straight line and started high fiving the other players while saying 'good game'.
After they were finished I motioned them to come here.

"Bring it in. Okay, now coach wasn't here today but-" I got cut off.

"Why do we even have a coach, he's never here. We have you as a team captain Sam." One of the girls said

"I appreciate the compliment but listen up. We did phenomenal out there. I dont know if you guys kept track but the score was 7-2. You kicked the other teams ass back home because we're in the playoffs now! Alright gimme big blues. One two three!".


"See you girls next time."

Camille was being picked up by her parents while I was figuring out what to do.

Should I go with Chandler and get my bike later? Or should I ride home and he meets me there?

While I continued, I was interrupted by Chandler.

"Hey Sam?".

"Why yes the al mighty the one and only Chandler Riggs." I teased.

"Okay um how about I pick us up some food while you ride home on your bike. Then I'll meet you there at your place".

"Sounds good, see you later then!"

I began to go one way while he went through another. It was getting darker outside. I checked my watch to see that it said 7:29.

"Damn was the game really that long?".

I stayed quiet and listened to music as I went through the dark roads of Atlanta.
Without realizing, I was home.

I know boring chapter right. Well I got no power in my house so ya.
Vote and comment what you think. Peace in the middle east.

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