Chapter 3

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Chandler's POV
Wednesday August 23,2015

I pulled over,thinking of where to go to get dinner Sam and I. I decided to call Sam and find out. I dialed her number and the phone rang.

"Hello?" Sam said through the phone.

"Hey babe, um I was wondering where I should go to get some food or something. Got any ideas?".

"Uh lets just get pizza. Its easier and cheaper. You want that?" She replied with her southern cowgirl accent.

"Okay no problem. Yeah pizza is fine for me. Ill see you soon sweetheart. Love your accent by the way" I smirked.

"Okay not a problem....and you just noticed my accent that I've had since I was a very little girl...?" She hangs up while chuckling. Shes one puzzle.

After about five minutes of driving, I made it to a pizzeria. I got out of my car and went inside. I was about to walk up to the counter when a girl came up to me.

"Hey uh your Chandler, right? Chandler Riggs?"

"Hi and uh yeah do I know you?" I say trying not to sound rude. Although she does look familiar.

A cashier came up to me, "That will be 12.95 sir.".
I handed him money and thanked him.

"Well Im Brianna Maphis. Im the girl in your Spanish class.".

"Oh yeah! Now you seem familiar. How you been these days?". I began as I sat down and talked to her.

After a while of talking, I realized the pizza was getting cold and that Sam was waiting for me at home.

I looked at my watch and realized its been almost an hour, shit! Sam is gonna wonder what took me long. If I tell her, she might get upset that I was talking to another girl.

"Oh look at the time, I gotta start heading out." I said as I began getting up.

"Oh well no problem, I kept you here long enough. Later Chairhandler." She said flirtatiously.

I got a warm feeling in my stomach as it twisted up in knots. Why in the hell am I feeling this way? I quickly went into the car and drove off.

I checked my phone as I stopped at red light. Three missed calls from Sam, ah damnit...I called back and waited for her to answer.

"Hello? Sam?". I said

"Hey y'all haven't noticed I called you three times? Whats takin' so long Chandler." Sam said furiously in her southern accent that I could not get over.

"Hey babe sorry there was traffic." I lied.

"You're lyin' to me Chandler, I can hear it in your voice..."

Damn she could tell too? Might as well just argue back.

"Babe Im not lying. I swear. Why would I be lying about that?". I said chuckling.

"Hmph, y'all better not be lyin'..." She said suspiciously.

She hung up and I sighed in relief. She almost caught me in that one. Question is, why did I feel like that towards Brianna? I don't get it, unless... No no no no no, I cant fall for her. I have a girlfriend. She was kinda cute while we were talking. With her blonde hair and her makeup and... Stop it Chandler!

I made it to Sam's house, I walked up to her front door and knocked. She came to the front, wearing a completely different outfit from before.

She was wearing a blue and white plaid shirt, skinny jeans, a pair of brown boots, and to top it off, she was wearing a cowboy hat.

I whistled." Damn you look hot. Not bad for a girl that was born and raised in Texas."I smirked as I put the pizza down and grabbed her waist.

She grabbed my shirt collar and deeply kissed me. I grabbed her bottom and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I sat down on the couch as she sat on my lap. "Come on Sam, lets eat please." I lied, even though I was enjoying what was going on.

I didn't want to stop what we were doing. It just feels wrong doing this with Sam, I don't have a clue why I feel this way. Its just ever since I sat down and had a conversation with Brianna, I just feel like I want to be with her.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

I finished eating pizza and washed my hands. "Alright Sam Im gonna start heading out now. Im like extremely tired now." I said yawning.

"Aw, then why not stay t'night? Please with me?" She begged while hugging me.

"No Samantha, I said I want to go home." I shoved her hands away.

"What's your deal Chandler? I just wanted some company since Im always alone!" She raised her voice at me.

"Well maybe I don't wanna be with you tonight! Maybe I don't wanna be with you at all anymore! MAYBE I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" I snapped.

Sam stared at me with shock, hot tears falling from her face. "W-what? Chandler please. Your basically all I have left." She desperately asked as she walked up to me.

"I SAID NO!!!" I pushed her hard to the ground.

By this time, she was sobbing her eyes out. Before I walked out the front door, I looked back and felt some guilt inside. I walked to my car and left.

I started to cry as I drove home, realizing what I just done. I physically and emotionally hurt Sam.

I asked myself...
"What in the hell did I just do...?"

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