Chapter 5

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Chandler's POV
Thursday August 24, 2015

I walked down to the cafeteria to go talk to the guys. I walked through the door and looked around to see where they were sitting. My eyes landed on Sam, who seems to look depressed. A wave of guilt flew over and I couldn't help but frown. I felt extremely bad for what I did, her life is screwed enough. Then I just had to step in and make it worse.

Im a jackass for it. I spotted the one of my friends and walked over to their table. "Hey...Where is everybody else..?" I said.

"Chandler whats up! Im not sure."My friend Eric greeted me while messing up my hair.

"Stop, Im not really in the mood."

"Aw whats the matter?"

"Stop teasing. A bit if trouble in paradise." I motion to Sam.

"......You guys broke up!?" Eric said excitedly. I nod my head as I look down, starting to tear up.

"Why do you seem so excited...?"

"Because she's hot! If you don't mind, Im gonna go head over to her house and 'work' on her, if you know what I mean" Eric winks.

I became internally upset, but I tried to keep a level head. "Stay away from her Eric, Im serious. But I need some assistance with getting over her. You know that girl Brianna right?"

"Oh the other hot one? Soosh yeah I know her."

"Well I think I kinda, I dont know... Like her?" I said, unsure.

" Well if you like another girl I dont see why I can't be with the one and only Samantha." He drunkenly smirked while looking at her.

"Eric can you ugh just help me out here please?".

"Yeah sorry. Look if you like somebody,  go for it. I don't really agree with your decision, but if you want to get over Sam then try it out with her."

I looked around again to find Brianna, there. "Yeah, thanks Eric. Im gonna try that out now." I walked away to sit with Brianna.

Sam's POV

I sat alone at the table just eating. Then out of the blue, Eric came and sat next to me.

"Hey there cowgirl."

"Howdy. Whats up?" I greeted

"I heard you broke up with your boyfriend." He said.

"Yeah... Its kinda hard to get over it. He has his ways, but he can do what ever he wants with his life." I said as I looked over at him, hanging out with Brianna.

"Well if you want, wanna hang with me tonight?" He asked politely.

"Uh yeah sure, mind if I get your number so, ya know." I asked

"No need to ask little lady. Hand me your phone girly." He said flirtatiously. I handed him my phone.

"Here you go girly. So hows life?"

"Crappy, y'all wouldn't understand." I frowned.

"I love your accent, I wish I could have it."

"Then come back with me to Houston Texas. Problem solved." I laughed

"Well can I eat lunch here with you? If you don't mind."

"Why not?"

For the rest of the lunch period, Eric and I just talked and talked. We got pretty personal too with back stories. Also, we have a little something tonight, not that way.


The bell rang class was dismissed. I walked to my locker and put some books away. I walked outside and unlocked my bike, then rode off.

The warm summer breeze hit my face as I rode home. Sooner or later, I made it home, seeing the driveway empty. Mom of course was at work, leaving me alone. While my sister was out as much as mom. She's sixteen.

After settling myself in, I was thinking I should nap before Eric comes. Ah Ill do homework later. Agreeing with the thought, I dressed in pjs and went off to sleep.

She's A Puzzle With A Few Missing Pieces ||C.RNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ