Chapter 21

130 3 5

Sam's POV
Saturday November 28, 2015

I woke up with a migrain. It was one in the afternoon, damn I slept in alright. I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked on the mirror. Hell, my eyes were red.

I don't remember crying myself to sleep, but I guess it happened. I honestly don't give a rats ass anymore. I don't care if I legitimately get killed.

I've got nothing left to live for. Uncle Chuck and Aunt Maria left already. Mom is at work, as always. And my poor little Eliana sitting on that hospital bed. She will be better soon.

I wanna leave already... I don't have a purpose here anymore. I'm not needed. Why not just leave now? I wish. Just two more days.

I just then remembered one important detail. Chandler and I broke up, because of Brianna, again. I closed my eyes tight and clenched my fists at the thought.

Ahhh I just wanna get my pop's shotgun and shoot her in the face. Yeah that's nice. Oh wait, Katelyn doesn't even know what happened.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. The phone rang a couple of times.

"Hello? Sam?" Kate said.

"Howdy..." I said bluntly.

"What happened? You sound like yer in a funk."

"Yeah I'm feelin' pretty funky. Can you come over please? I need someone to talk to..."

"Where's Chandler? Why isn't he there with you?"

"It's about him... Just get yer ass over here fast."

"See you then."

I hung up the phone and rethought everything that happened last night. He told me he wouldn't bother if I died. He called me selfish and bitchy.

He was right. I can be selfish and bitchy. Hell, I can't doubt that. On top of that, not giving a damn if I died?

Heh, now I really got nothing to live for. The doorbell rang, I went and opened the door.

"Hey. Tell me what happened with you and him." Kate came in.

"Let's go to my room." I led her.

We both sat down on the bed.

"When Chandler popped by yesterday, I asked him why he was so late. He lied to me sayin' oh just work and such. We went to go visit Eli and I went in. I came out in a bad mood because I was still tryin' to figure out whether Chandler was lyin' or not. So I asked em once more and he snapped sayin' he went to Brianna's place just cause he felt bad-"

"Hold up, Brianna's house?" Kate reacted.

"Yeah, same reaction. Then of course I got pissed off. He told me I was wrong. I got outta the car and walked away. He grabbed my arm and I smacked him. I said he had to make a choice. He said he chose Brianna cause I could be bitchy and selfish at times. Then he said he didn't care if I died."

"He said what...? Ah heeeell no. Shits about to go down." Kate got up.

"C'mon. Take it down three notches Kate. I'm grumpy as it is." I said plopping myself on the bed.

"I'm hungryyyyyy. Sammyyyyyy." Kate complained, laying on my stomach.

"I got nothin' here."

"Lets go to the store. Get some junk food. Play some video games, break into your mom's liquor cabinet...get drunk, and live for once before you go." She frowned.

"Yeah lets go..."

I got up and walked down stairs. I grabbed a sweater and we left. We walked for a couple of minutes since it was a local deli.

"Ah hell no..." I murmured.

Kate and I walked in and I saw him, with her. I stopped and stared.

"Sam?" Kate waved her hands in front my face.

Katelyn noticed and looked at what I was staring at. She frowned and began walking towards them.

I grabbed her arm. "Kate.... No."

"I want this one. No one talks to you the way he did. I'll handle it."

Oh Lord help me. Shits about to get real.

I walked out of the store and waited outside. I'm surprised how it's not awkward between the two if they work together.

Kate's POV

I lightly tapped Chandler on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Oh... Hey Kate." Chandler smiled.

"Um yeah I need to talk to you now." I yanked him aside.

Brianna followed. "Privately." I snarled.

She scoffed and walked away. Chandler looked at her, then at me. He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you out of your god damn mind!?" I raised my voice.


"I heard what happened. Don't act like you don't know!" I kept yelling.

"Oh... That"

"Yeah that. How could you say something like that Chandler? That's not who you are! She loved you! She's already got a burden on her back, and you had to make it worse... Again!"

"Stay out of this. You truly know nothing about our relationship!" He shouted back.

" Oh ho ho ho no. I know a lot more than you think boy. I've known Samantha longer than I can remember. And you've been with her for quite some time. I know you broke her heart. I know you haven't been treating her as good-"

"She treated me no better!" He cut me off.

"Samantha loved you! You were all she talked about! Chandler this Chandler that Chandler everything! She's leaving in two fucking days to Iraq!  And your probably never gonna see her again! And this is what you do!? Just because she defended herself from Brianna? And she's the god damn wrong person here? Oh boy trust me, you're gonna want her back once she leaves. And you probably won't get her back! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm here to buy junk to eat with Sam so we can stay up until three in the morning, finding the stupidest things to entertain ourselves with." I left him standing there.

I grabbed some soda, candy, chips and a bunch of other foods to make us sick to the core.

I paid for everything and walked outside. Samantha was sitting on the curb.

"Come on Sam, I'll make these last two days worth it."

She's A Puzzle With A Few Missing Pieces ||C.RTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon