Chapter 6

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Sam's POV
Thursday August 24, 2015

I woke up from am hour long nap. Not really enough but just fine. I checked my phone and I had a message from Eric.

Hey, I was thinking if I could head to your place at 6 since we didn't really plan on anything earlier today. Thats cool?

I logged on my phone and wrote back.

Hey, sorry for the wait. Yeah thats fine, we could figure out what to do tonight when you get here.

While I waited for him to respond, I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Hair is a little messy, but whatever. My phone vibrated, it was Chandler calling me.Hm thats odd. Like an idiot, I answered.

"Hello..." I said sternly.

"Samantha?"He called.

"Yes Chandler...?"

"You need to stay away from Eric. Please." Chandler begged.

"Why, because he actually cares? Unlike a certain someone."

"Sammy please its for your own good" He called me Sammy, why in the hell did he call me Sammy?


"He's a fuckboy. I don't want you to get hurt." He said.

"Oh no Chandler, its not like I haven't been hurt before you know."

"Sam please, just not again okay?"

"Bye Chandler." I hung up.

The boy is just jealous, I can tell by the way he's been looking at me today. Chandler had his chance, and he just let it down the drain. My phone vibrated once again, it was Eric.

Sounds cool. See you at 6.

I looked at my watch, okay its 4:18. Ill have enough time for homework and to get ready. I went upstairs to my room and began my homework.


I finished and looked at the time. Ok its 5, now its time to head into the shower. After I got out, I just picked a normal flannel and some ripped jeans. As always, I put on my black cowboy hat that my uncle gave me until he never made it back home.

He served in the Marine Corps. He always told me...Live life with no regrets. The bastard had words of wisdom, it helped everybody else he came across. Unfortunately, it never worked for me.

I snapped back into reality and got myself dressed. I fixed my hair and waited for Eric. Right now it was 5:47, mean while I texted Eric.

Hey... When you heading over here?

I waited a little bit while pondering around the house. Making sure the place looked decent before he came. My phone vibrated and it was Eric.

Im actually outside looking for parking. Mind opening the door?

I replied.

Yeah sure just a sec.

I opened my door to see Eric walking up to the front step. He whistled "Hey cowgirl. You like nice, love the hat." He tipped my hat.

"Why thank you. Come in." I welcomed him.

"Thanks girly. So what do you wanna do tonight?" Eric asked.

I don't got such a clue, well there is thursday night football going on at 8. My Cowboys are playing t'night and I can't wait." I said excitedly

"Wanna order some Chinese food then watch it? He suggested.

"Dont mind me. Lets do it."

Its late at night so another boring chapter. Last night my dog was put down because she became very sick. RIP Creamy you will be missed... Vote and comment what you think, it means a lot guys especially in these hard times

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