Chapter 10

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Samantha's POV
Friday September 1,  2015

Happy birthday to me! I kept singing in my head as I was getting ready to go to school. Mom came In and had a cupcake with a lit candle.

"Happy birthday hun! Surprise!" Mom screamed out with Eric and my sister popping out from behind her.

"Hey there! What are you doing here?" I said, hoping that Eric and I weren't gonna be left alone.

"Came to hang out with you on your very special day of course." He said hugging me.

" Hey back off big boy." My sister laughed while hugging me.

"Uh huh and where has yer tush been, Eliana." I said chuckling.


"Mhmmmm stop lyin girly." I said shoving her playfully. "I gotta head to school fellows."

" Nope your staying home today. So am I, I took the day off!" Mom said.

"Holy cow you did!? Why am I surprised!? Oh my gosh!" I shouted.

" We are all staying with You today hun," Mom said smiling then her face became blank." And you have a visitor outside waiting for you."

I got curious on who it was, especially since she said it so weirdly. "Eric you should stay up here honey." My mother said faintly since I was out of the room.

I walked outside to see someone leaning on his car, hands in his pockets, smiling brightly to see me.


For some reason, I was happy to see him. Why... I dont know I've gotta figure myself out. A tiny little smile creeped up on my face.

"Happy Birthday Samantha Clementine Jolton..." Chandler said smiling.

I hugged him, then I started cryin. What am I doing!? I said in my thoughts. Your with Eric remember!? I kept saying. I continued to cry and he hugged back, then he broke down.

"Im s-so s-sorry. Im so sorry Sam." Chandler said through cries. "Please Samantha..."

I wiped my face and his with my sleeve. "Chandler...y'know I ain't forgive you... Or at least not yet. Thank you for the visit. Appreciate it." I said calming down while walking away.

" But I love you."

That made me stop in my tracks. He said he still loved me. I don't even know if I believe him. But then yet again when we broke up he said he didn't.

" Sorry boy. But I kinda find that hard to believe. Just... Not yet..." I said walking into the house.

Eric walked up to me. " How come your crying? If it was him I swear I'm gonna-"

"It ain't him Eric, I'm just feeling emotional. Turn it down a few notches alright?" I said walking to the bathroom.

I wiped my eyes and face. I walked out and saw Eric on the phone. He sighed and turned to me. " Sam I gotta go."

" What why?"

"I just do, I'll see you later."

I know sorry short chapter. Its late and I got a little bit of writers block. Goodnight people love you. Not that way 😂

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