Chapter 20

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Sam's POV
Friday November 27, 2015

I sat here on my bed waiting for Chandler to come over. Kate was here by my side, of course. I groaned, annoyed.

" Wasn't Chandler supposed to be here about two hours ago?" Kate asked.

"Uh.. Yeah he was. He ain't answerin' my calls either. Which is real odd." I said.

" Maybe he's busy. But he would've told you." Kate assumed.


Kate's phone began ringing. She answered and it was her mom. She walked out of the room and began talking.

She came back in and hung up.

" Hey Sammy gotta bolt. Mom has an appointment I 'need' to go with her. I'll drop by later." She explained grabbing her jacket.

"Kay bye. See ya later." I said.

Thirty minutes later...

I got a knock on my door. I went downstairs to open it. It was Chandler. I gave him a look.

" Yeah I know. I'm sorry for being three hours late."

" Come in."

He walked in and sat down. I sat down next to him. He looked nervous and bloated. He took a deep breath and kissed me.

"Sorry I rushed in like that, and for being late." Chandler smiled.

"Aw it's okay. Just outta curiosity, what made ya so late?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh you hehe, uh w-work and stuff." He said chuckling.

I gave him a weird look. Chandlers not the best liar sometimes. He's hiding something, again. He gave me a weak smile.

"You sure..."

"Yes babe I'm sure."


We sat there in silence for about a minute. "So you wanna do something?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah I guess. What'd ya wanna do?"

"I dunno, maybe.... Make out?" He had a smirk on his face.

"Dont get any funny ideas." I said with a serious face.

"Wanna go visit your sister? Just to see how she's doing."

I haven't thought on visiting her lately. "Yeah that'll be nice."

"Well come on then, lets go." He helped me up.

I put on a sweater and walked out of the house. Chandler started the car and we were on our way.

Chandler's POV

I looked over at Sam who looked completely depressed. I felt bad for her. For someone to be going through all this crap at such a young age is unfair.

I'm still thinking on whether or not I should tell her the truth on why I was late. Then yet I was nervous on how she would react.

"Babe, you okay?" I asked.


"What's wrong..."

"Everythin'.... Everythin is shit. It always will. What in tarnation have I ever done wrong!? To deserve any of this? To go on a freakin' suicide mission just to keep my baby sister alive? And for what!?"

"Sam... You don't know if you'll die. I've seen what you can do. You've got the heart of a bull. You're eligible for this."

"Hmph, if you say so."

We made it to the hospital. I stayed in the car while Sam went inside. I don't really I should keep it a secret on why I was late. Ah shit, why does life gotta be so hard?

About fifteen minutes later, Sam came to the car and sat down. Sam was mad. And hell she's petrifying when she's pissed. I patted her back.

"You okay babe? What happened." I cooed her, getting close to her face.

" Everythin' is fine."

"Your sure."


Sam's POV

I want to know what he's hiding. He lied to me earlier and it's getting on my case.

"Chandler. Tell me the truth. Why were you late..." I asked seriously.

He sighed and stayed silent.

" Chandler!"

"I was at Brianna's okay!?" He snapped.

I knew it. " You were at Brianna's house?"

My blood was boiling.

"Yes, yes I was."

"Why?" I said, trying my best not to scream.

" Is there a page missin' in my book? Why were you there!" I raised my voice.

"Because I felt bad for her after you fought with her!"

"Why are you takin' her side!?"

"Because you beat her half to death!"

He pulled over.

" She struck first! And I'm wrong here!?"

"Yeah you kind of are!"

"No that's it. I've had it with yer mixed emotions and crap. It's over! I'm sick and tired of all this! We're done." I left the car.

I walked away and Chandler got out out. He grabbed my arm.

"Let. Go."

"Sam come on don't be like th-"

I smacked him clean across the face.

"No! Make a God damn choice! Me or her?"

Chandler held the side of his cheek I smacked. He stood there for a moment.

"You know what? I choose Brianna. You wanna know why!? I never realized how selfish and bitchy you can be at some points. I could care less if you died."

"Fine then!"

She's A Puzzle With A Few Missing Pieces ||C.RDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora