Chapter 22

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Sam's POV
Monday November 30, 2015

Today is the day...

I thought to myself over and over again. I didn't need to pack anything... Thank the heavens. All I had to do was say goodbye to everyone.

I looked over to the side of my bed to see a passed out Kate. I look to the night stand and see a quite a few of empty beer bottles from Saturday and yesterday.

All the memories came rushing back from the amazing time I had last night.  We stayed up all night watching retards movies, playing video games, prank calling others, blasted music and got drunk.

"I'm glad to have met you Katelyn..." I mumbled, smiling.

I put my hand on my forehead and groaned. My head hurt. Karma is a bitch. I looked around and saw that the room was a mess.

Candy wrappers, soda pop bottles and beer bottles all over the place. Chips, chocolate, holy hell. I sighed. I hate to clean up at times like this. But luckily I have help.

I threw a pillow at Kate. Nothing. I walked up to her and she was knocked out cold.

"Aw shoot Kate. Wake up." I said.

I smacked her face a couple of times. She quickly got up and grabbed an empty glass bottle, holding it in the air.

"W-wha who's there...?" She drunkenly said.

I laughed at the site of it. "Aw shoot Sam, you know I got reflexes." She was fully awake by now.

"Yeah I know. Specially when yer drunk." I kept laughing.

I stopped laughing and took a deep breath. I went downstairs and grabbed a broom. I came back up and we began cleaning.

Ahh shit, I just realized today was Monday. I have to go to school and empty my locker. And I have to see him if I'm there, since his locker was close to mine.

"Aye, Kate. Listen here, I gotta head to school to clean out my locker. Yer comin' with me ya hear?" I said.

"Yup. Wait but your gonna run into-"

"Yeah I know. Lets get this done."

We finished after a couple of minutes. It was pretty warm so I didn't need to put something on. I got a package in the mail.

"Hmph, I never ordered anythin..." I mumbled.

I began opening the big yet soft package. It was my army uniform. Huh, no wonder why they asked for my size in the papers.

"Whatcha got there?" Kate came by my side.

"My uniform..."

"Nice! We got Sergeant Samantha reporting for duty here!" She chuckled.

"Lieutenant Kate! Engage the target called 'your car'!" We fooled around.

"Roger that sarge!" We both started laughing.

"Ah we act so retarded sometimes." Kate said.

"Thats cause we are hun."

"Oh yeah."

We cooled down and sat down in the car. We continued being dufuses on our way to the school. Since it wasn't so far, we made it there.

"We're here." Kate said grabbing a box.

"Yup. I'm gonna miss this place. Well sorta."

We both walked inside and I got one last good look of the hallways. I walked over to my locker. Chandler was right by it with Brianna. I furrowed my eyebrows and ignored it.

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