Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My eyes traveled to the brunette boy. I had always been friends with Shawn, but he was more reserved. He was the type of person to only talk to his group of friends. Therefore, it was a rare occasion that me and him talked. Even more rare than Nash and I's conversations. He was always nice and not to mention that he had grown pretty attractive over the years. I knew that he was motivated and driven regarding school, so I knew I had gotten a good partner, but I just didn't know him well. Not well enough to write a fricking song with him. It would be kind of weird to pour my feelings out and express myself fully to someone that I haven't talked to in years. I always saw him walking around in class, but we never shared any exchanges or any conversations together. I wish I could've been Matt's partner.

Shawn was sort of weird, in a way. I was a quiet person, but not extremely quiet like him. I would talk to others with ease and wasn't afraid of being myself. I guess he just hadn't bloomed yet and wasn't comfortable with everyone. At least that's how he was the last time I talked to him.

"Alright! Get with your partners. I want you all to start discussing some ideas for your song." Mrs. Cunningham announced. I got up from my desk and walked slowly towards Shawn, bracing myself for the awkwardness that we would experience.

"Hi." I heard him say as I approached him, a small smile plastered on his face. Well, friendly so far.

"Hey! I haven't talked to you in forever." I chuckled and he nodded in agreement. I pulled up a desk beside him and sat with a notebook in my hand.

"Yeah, you're always too shy to say hello." He raised his eyebrows at me, as smirk on his face. Oh, so cocky. This wasn't the Shawn I knew.

"Wow, what happened to you? Last time I spoke to you, you were too shy to even ask me how I was doing." I countered, with a proud smirk on my face to match his.

"Touché." He nodded tersely and then cleared his throat loudly.

"So what do you want to do for this project?" He asked.

"Um I'm not sure. Can you sing or play an instrument?" I questioned, hoping the answer was yes.

"Well my singing isn't that great, but I know how to play the guitar." He answered and I nodded, thoughtfully.

"Great! I can play guitar so we can do like a duet thing. Although, I'm learning how to play right now, so I'm not the best." I chuckled and he looked at me with a minuscule smile on his face and stared into my eyes.

"Yeah sure thing, I can teach you some cool stuff if you want."

"That would be rad." I nodded.

"Guys I want you to submit a list of ideas today for a classwork grade." Mrs. Cunningham said and I groaned, earning a chuckle from Shawn.

"Well what do you want to write about?" I asked him.

"Um well maybe it should be something sort of personal..." He trailed off and I bit my lip. He glanced at my lips for a second before turning away. "I mean I know we don't know each other well and stuff, but maybe we could write it on a common topic we share." He explained, quickly.

"Sure," I nodded briefly. "That's sounds good."

"Maybe.. having a first love?" he questioned, his voice growing a little quiet. I pursed my lips, feeling a bit uncomfortable. I knew I had always had a crush on Nash, but I wasn't sure if it was exactly the L-word. Wasn't that a bit too much? I didn't even speak to Nash that much, I don't think I loved him. And that was the only serious crush I had.

"Well," I started. "I've never loved somebody romantically, so I'm not sure I could relate." I said awkwardly and bit my lip again, it being a nervous habit of mine.

"Oh erm.. That's okay, I guess. I really haven't either, but I guess we can describe how it feels having a crush on someone?" He responded, his voice a little shaky. I slowly nodded, thinking about Nash's bright blue eyes. I could definitely describe that feeling, of never being noticed, of sinking into the shadows, waiting for him to realize that I've been here the whole time.

"Yes, that works." I agreed, slightly thinking about who Shawn had a crush on. It was probably some popular girl, maybe one of the cheerleaders.

We talked a little more, writing a few ideas and words down that could be prospective lyrics. I felt a little more comfortable towards Shawn; it only took me a little while to get used to someone. He was really kind as well, so that made it better.

I watched as he got up from his seat to hand Mrs. Cunningham our paper. He was wearing our school's t-shirt with sweatpants, making him look really adorable, warm and cuddly. I kind of wanted to go and just hug him, which was a weird feeling, because I barely even knew him. His shoulder blades stuck out from his shirt, making him look very muscular and his arms were built, making him look super strong. My eyes were wide as I realized how built he had gotten over the past year or so. I never even looked or noticed him that much, but now that I did... I realized how hot he was.

It was almost time to leave class, and we waited in a comfortable silence.

"So," he spoke up. "Do you want to meet after school to work on this?"

"Um, sure. When are you free?"

"Well I have hockey practice after school today, so how about tomorrow?"

"That sounds fine with me!" I exclaimed, just as the bell rang. He waved bye to me and sent me an adorable smile that made a weird feeling in my stomach occur. I felt like I was going to throw up. What was this?

I walked to my locker where Sydney was waiting for me and we were about to go to lunch. I had lost Matt somewhere, so I walked alone towards her.

"ello!" Syd exclaimed when she saw me, shutting her locker.

"Ya ready?" I asked her and she nodded, and we began walking to the cafeteria, talking about the most random crap while walking like idiots. She hip bumped me and I almost ran into a row of lockers and I gasped. I charged up to her and pushed her, and this time she lost her balance.

"Woah there Syd." I heard a voice say, and I saw Matt grab her before she fell.

"Oh look, your Prince Charming is here." I teased them and I saw Matt's eyes grow wide and uncomfortable. He let go of Sydney and she rolled her eyes at me. I always had thought they would look like a good couple so I always teased them.

"So how was music appreciation?" Sydney asked, trying to change the subject obviously.

I took a seat at our table in the cafeteria and just mumbled, "good."

"Oh it was more than good for her, she got put with-" Matt started to say but was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Hey Ava, you left this at my desk. It somehow got into my binder or something." Shawn said and I looked up to see a paper in his hand. I took it from him and looked at it to see my writing. That was the story I was writing for wattpad. What if he had read it? I was in deep doo doo.

"Um thank you, sorry about that." I mumbled quickly, trying to avoid his gaze. I was writing the first few chapters of my book and it was a fanfic... What would he think of me? Would he think I was some crazy fangirl? Which I was... but.. I didn't want him to be driven away by that.

"Nah it's okay." He shrugged and I glanced at Syd and Matt who were just looking between the two of us. I just smiled at Shawn a little and he started walking away. Before he left us completely, he turned around for a second and said,

"Nice story by the way."

Author's Note: okay this chapter was kinda stupid, but it was just a filler and it built up the plot so yeah ahah.

anyways, ily my nuggets

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