Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I saw Shawn get up from the ice and fix his helmet. He had a huge scowl on his face as he looked at Nash and hit his stick once with his hand very loudly. I saw Nash shrug with a smirk on his face before he turned around. The ref saw that everything was okay and called the game back on. I saw Shawn shake his head a few times before putting his full concentration into the game.

I felt really concerned for him, because I knew his anger could get out of control but I knew it would be okay because he wouldn't do anything to Nash. I just silently prayed that the game would continue without either of them getting hurt.

I didn't understand why Nash even did that to him in the first place. They were on the same team! Why would he do that? I definitely had to get to the bottom of this.

The game continued on, thankfully with no more shenanigans between Shawn and Nash. The only thing they did was successfully help the school win the game. Everybody in the stands around us was chattering happily and with excitement as the game ended and I felt my heart swell with pride too, because both Shawn and Nash had done really well tonight.  

"Do you want to do something after?" Sydney asked me while interlocking our arms together. I nodded intently and she got her phone out, texting her mom. We walked down from the bleachers and began to find our way out. The players had already made it to the locker room and a lot of people were piling out of the rink.

"Ava!" I heard a small, feminine voice yell. I turned around to see Shawn's little sister, Aaliyah, running towards me. I had no idea that she even knew my name, less than know what I looked like. The time I had been to Shawn's house she was out doing something and I had only met his dad.

"Hi!" I laughed a little and gave her a hug as she reached me. "I'm not sure we've properly met but your goofball of a brother has told me a lot about you."

She giggled and nodded with a cute smile on her face, the same smile as Shawn. I could see the close resemblance between them and it made my heart tug at how beautiful their relationship was. Shawn honestly had told me countless stories about her and the things they had done together.

"Well he talks about you all the time, so I had to meet you, ya know?" She exclaimed and I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. He talked about me with his family? He talked about me?

I tried to conceal my surprise at her statement and said, "And I wanted to meet the famous Aaliyah!" I tickled her sides a little bit and she laughed adorably.

"I see that you two have met." Shawn came up behind her and placed a hand on top of her head. He had changed out of his hockey gear and was now standing in a hoodie and sweatpants, his usual. His face was slightly glistening with sweat, but his eyes were bright with the joy of victory dancing around them.

"Yeah she is too cute." I smiled, talking about Aaliyah. He glanced at me with a grin on his face.

"Well she gets it from me." Shawn shrugged with a smug grin on his face. Aaliyah's face contorted into disgust and she shook her head. I saw her turn around and punch him in the stomach before running off.

Shawn started to run after her but stopped when he noticed that I was still there. He shook his head and turned back around to me with a huge smile on his face. Both of them were too cute.

"So you talk about me?" I raised my eyebrows at him, wiggling them like crazy. He didn't have time to answer because I felt a tug on my arm and I turned around to see Sydney. Shawn had been facing me but now had walked over beside me.

"I can't go out to eat after the game Ava. Mom's asking me to come home." Sydney groaned, face palming while rolling her eyes.

"Aw dang, well I can drop you home." I nodded at her and she smiled at me sympathetically and thanked me.

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