Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ava's POV:

I waved to Shawn, admiring him in his hockey gear and getting excited to see him actually play. I had been to hockey games before, but hadn't really paid much attention to him or the other players except for Nash.

Speaking of Nash, he had asked me to come to this game twice so I was feeling a little giddy as to why he wanted me to. I had dressed up, with the help of Sydney, very nicely and applied make-up properly. If I was supposed to talk to him here, then I needed to look my best.

As if he had been listening to my thoughts as to where he was, I saw Nash climbing up the bleachers right to where I was. He wasn't wearing his hockey gear yet, I guess he still had to get changed. I felt myself tensing up and a million different thoughts went through my head. I'm so awkward, would he like me? What would I say? Why was he even speaking to me?

"Hey Ava," he greeted me with those dreamy blue eyes and a charming smile. I managed to squeak out a simple hi, feeling nervous as fuck. He nodded to Syd and Matt and his next words had me frozen in my place. "Come with me."

I gulped but nodded slowly and he motioned at me to follow him and I felt my heart pounding against my chest loudly. What was he doing? Where was he taking me?

We walked down the bleachers and I saw him turn right at the end of the walkway and I was on his heels. I saw him look around one time and then he pushed open the door in front of him.

Steamy air swirled about in the room and I realized I was in the boy's locker room. Red lockers lined the walls of this section and a certain stench of boy sweat surrounded me and I wanted to throw up. I realized that showers were on the other side of the room and the lockers were here. I quickly realized that the room was empty, all of the boys were probably changed and outside. Nash was just late.

I glanced at Nash to see him at his locker, his back facing me and right when I looked at him, I saw him take his shirt off in one easy movement. I refrained myself from gasping at his muscular back and his actions themselves.

"N-Nash," I squeaked out and he turned around to look at me with a completely normal look on his face as if me being here was completely normal. I was very confused to why I was here with him, but I certainly wasn't complaining. Nash's glistening torso stood out in front of me and his unruly brown hair fell into his eyes and he pushed his hair back. I hadn't realized before that he had this much muscle but it was obvious now that he stood shirtless in front of me.

"Yes babe?" He asked, his words sending me under cardiac arrest.

"Why are we here?" I asked a little confidently now so that he knew that I wasn't just some puny little girl.

He walked closer to me hearing my words. His footsteps were quiet as he padded towards me. He came so close, only centimeters away and slightly pushed me back gently. I backed up into a locker, my back pressed against the cool metal as his face came dangerously close to mine.

"Well I wanted to get to know you a little better," he whispered, his husky voice making things ten times better. His breath fanned over me and I could smell the strong cologne he was wearing. "Isn't that what you want?"

I bit my lip skeptically and I heard him hiss in front of me, his blue eyes burning into mine. I felt his finger on my lips as he traced my bottom lip and I felt myself go still. Was this actually happening? I had imagined this in my mind so many times and now it was happening?

"You didn't answer my question." He muttered, his voice hoarse and low. He practically growled at me his eyes became a little darker.

"Um yeah I guess." I mumbled out, my voice shaky due to our close proximity and answered his question. I felt his finger leave my lips and out of nowhere, I felt him press his lips onto mine. I froze up, feeling so many different emotions. I was happy- ecstatic this was happening and yet I was confused to why he was kissing me when he was dating Madison. I also felt a certain fear and nervousness because I had never kissed a boy before, so this would be my first kiss. And I didn't really know what to do exactly.

"Kiss back Ava," I heard him mumble against my lips and his hands cupped my face and I was still frozen and didn't know how and felt like I was about to have an anxiety attack. "What's wrong? Isn't this what you want? I know you've had a crush on me like forever." He asked bringing his lips away from mine but still cupping my face with his hands. I froze. So he had known this whole time? Madison had probably told him.

"Um.." I started, deciding I would tell him. "I have never kissed someone before.." I spoke softly, feeling a little scared at my confession and what he would think of it. Would he push me away? Did he think I was weird for liking him for so long?

He stared at me for a second before he said, "I'll teach you." I hadn't expected that answer and he brought his lips to mine again and used his tongue to separate my lips. His mouth was minty and he used his force to show me what to do. My hands went to his neck and then his hair as I pulled a few of his strands. He molded his shirtless body with mine, pressing me to the locker behind me even further.

"Holy shit," he breathed through the kiss as I pulled his hair even more. He pressed his body even closer to mine if that was possible and I felt a weird feeling in my gut. Whatever it was, it could stay there. This felt great, whatever we were doing and I tried not to feel paranoid about the other worries I had in my head. He had a girlfriend for crying out loud, and he was here making out with me. Although it was completely wrong, I couldn't help but keep going because I had wanted this for so long. I had wanted him.

I didn't know if the kiss we shared was what they talked about in all those romance novels. I didn't feel a spark or a sensation of out-of-the-world bliss like they described, all I felt was his forceful grasp on mine as he grinded his body onto mine.

"You're a fast learner, are you sure you haven't done this before?" He whispered, taking his lips off of mine for a second, just staring at me. His lips were slightly swollen and I blushed knowing that I had done that. I shook my head, smiling at him innocently before I felt him connect our lips again. This time I felt his lips go down to my neck, slightly sucking at a few spots. I pressed my head back on the locker and heard a moan come out of my mouth. Who was this girl making out with Nash Grier in a sweaty boy's locker room? It surely wasn't the Ava I knew.

I felt his cold hand, which had left my face, trail down to the hem of my shirt. His fingers touched my hip bones as he kept leaving kisses all over my neck. I felt his hand go under my loose shirt and to my stomach. It kept going higher until I felt his hand on bra. He connected his lips back to mine, leaving my neck and I felt his fingers slip under my bra and pinch sensitive skin. I felt a weird feeling in my lower area and I moaned against his lips again as he pressed his lower area to mine. I felt something hard and I froze but all I could focus on was his large hand over my breast.

"Holy," I breathed out, gasping for air and breaking the kiss for a second. He looked needy and vulnerable for the first time and connected our lips together again forcefully. Was this all logical? He had a girlfriend and I was practically helping him cheat on her. Even though I hated Madison with all of my guts, I didn't feel right doing this to her. Nobody deserved this. I had no idea how good this would feel, but although I felt on cloud nine right now, this was all wrong.

I didn't have to make the decision to break the kiss because the large metal door opened with a bang and a boy stormed in.

Author's Note: any Nash girls in the house? I don't exactly like him very much so...

thanks for reading :)

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