Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


As he backed up from me, I couldn't help but feel a little weird. All I had wanted when he had come closer to me was to press my lips onto his, and I hadn't felt like that before. I don't know if it was close proximity between us or if it was the fact that he looked insanely adorable with that certain smile of his. All I felt like doing was running into his chest and kissing him.

I closed my eyes for a second and shook my head, trying to get rid of those strange, yet blissful thoughts. I had no idea why I was feeling this way, Shawn was my friend and that's it. Nothing more was going to come out of that and I wanted nothing more.

After all, I liked Nash. A vision of those dreamy, blue eyes appeared in my mind and I felt a little better after that. I still felt a little surprised at the fact that he actually invited me to the game and giddiness took over me just thinking about it.

My mind was taken off of Shawn finally when I thought about Nash but I was brought back when I felt his hand in mine once again. He simply beckoned me to sit on my bed and I nodded.

I was a little confused about where that statement had come from. What did he mean by not being afraid of him? It's not like I was, not the fear kind of way, anyways. I had a feeling he was talking about being scared of our friendship or something in that general area. As always, I just shrugged it off and plopped down on the bed beside him.

He moved closer to me once again so that our thighs were touching and he put the guitar on his lap. Silence was present in the room as he was doing this, because I had no idea how to reply to his statement. I was a little flattered that he said it, because it made me happy that he was thinking about me and worrying about me. Usually, people didn't do that for me.

A sweet melody played out from the instrument as his fingers went to work. I bobbed my head along to the high and low notes, appreciating Shawn's work. I smiled at him, and he looked down at me at the same time, our faces close. He had a goofy smile on his face as he kept playing the melody on repeat.

"In my dreams, you're with me," his voice came out, low and in perfect harmony with the guitar and I almost gasped. "And we'll be everything I want us to be." He sang out the part of the song we had worked on.

His voice sounded so perfect, like it molded perfectly with the sound of the guitar. I felt my heart leap when he sang and a sudden pang of peace fell throughout the room, creating a subtle but uplifted atmosphere. Even though he had just sang two lines, he sang with such passion, I could see the evident compassion he had on the subject. His eyes were squeezed shut, his neck veins popping out and his tight grip on his guitar.

He turned to meet my eyes, opening his and sang the next few lyrics that he must've come up with on the spot, "And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss," he glanced at my lips and I felt my heart doing weird things inside of me, thinking of the moment we had shared earlier. "For the first time, or is that just me and my imagination." He poured his heart out into the rest of the lyrics and looked away from my eyes and I thought I saw longing in his irises just seconds before.

He looked simply angelic at the moment, his fingers strumming the guitar furiously now, his eyes focused intently on the instrument in his hands as if it was his lifeline. His lips were now moist due to his tongue frequently sliding on top of them and his shirt slid up a little due to the guitar rubbing against the front of him. A small sliver of his skin was visible just above his v-line and I quickly brought my eyes up from there to meet with his who looked at me expectantly, as to see what my reaction was to him singing our song.

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