Chapter 11

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Chapter 11



I watched the girl snuggled into my chest intently as she let out a small laugh while looking at something playing on the TV. Her short hair framed her face and I grabbed a strand of it, intertwining it with my finger. She glanced at me, a minuscule smile present on her face that made my heart race even more. I could tell that all she had wanted to do earlier was cry, but she had kept it down and I admired how strong she really was.

The shouting had subsided recently and Ava's dad had come down the stairs and walked out of the back door quickly, ignoring her calling out for him.

After she had asked me to stay, there was no way that I could refuse. Not at a time like this especially. I texted my mum and asked her if I could stay a little longer and once I told her the situation, she agreed even though it was a school night. I had thanked her for understanding and told her I loved her.

Ava's eyes had been moist, but a single tear hadn't slipped out of those beautiful hazel irises. She had asked me to sit on the couch and we selected a movie on Netflix to get things off her mind. She chose White Chicks, I guess because it was funny and I adored the way her eyes lit up when they cracked some joke. We were sitting a little further apart when the movie first started but then she somehow found her way into my chest and I had wrapped my arm around her, holding her close. I knew she was breaking at the time but keeping it together in front of me and if holding her like this helped in any way, I would be here to hold her forever.

I looked down at her face more than the actual movie, just watching her expressions change with the different events that were taking place. It was dark in the room but her smile was so radiant, that it brightened up the whole room.

I felt conflicted when it came to her. Originally, before I had met her, I had this huge crush on Madison. I thought she was absolutely gorgeous and I would go around trying to talk to her, but she always turned me down. Most of the times, at least. She occasionally turned me down, because of Nash of course. That's one reason why I hated Nash. And there were plenty more reasons where that came from.

He was a jerk for crying out loud! He treated everyone like shi.t and went around harassing people. His character was not a good one and he was nowhere close to having a clean slate. Some of the boys on the hockey team told me that he cheated on Madison regularly and how she cheated on him too. I had known that Madison cheated on him, because I had seen it with my own eyes but I was perplexed when I first heard that info, because what kind of relationship is that? If you're constantly going to backstab one another, why get together in the first place? The boys had told me that they were more like buddies than anything else, they didn't care about each other's feelings. Not to mention, Nash' terrible habit of smoking weed. When I heard that Ava had a crush on him, I was outraged. She didn't even know half of the things he did and I for one, did not want her to be around him. I guess it was just the protective side of me coming out.

Even though it had only been a few days of this friendship, it felt much longer, as if the days themselves had gotten longer to compensate enough time, immortalizing it, so that we could spend it together. Ava had become something special to me since the time she sat down to talk about this project. I didn't know why I was so touchy-feely with her or why I said so many weird things. I just felt this strange feeling around her, always wanting to be closer and show my affectionate side to her. It's like she truly cared about me and the way I felt, unlike any other girl I had met. Definitely not Madison.

I felt myself recently stop looking at Madison and instead turning my eyes to look at the goofy, playful Ava. She was an absolute weirdo and I loved that about her because I could be free around her, unlike Madison where I always had to put up an image of being cool.

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