Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I walked into the classroom, feeling everybody's eyes on me. Usually, everybody would be busy talking among themselves, but what stopped them today was the fact that I was walking in with Nash.

I saw Madison's face contort with confusion and then change to anger, and somehow I felt a little fear. And along was that fear was the urge to go punch her face. But hey, I got that urge everyday.

I took a seat beside Matt and I glanced at Shawn who was also wearing a confused expression. He noticed I was looking at him and his demeanor changed into a happy one and he just smiled at me. His smile justifying that everything was going to be okay. It somehow uplifted my spirits and appeased my anxiety all at once.

The class period went by quite quickly, because this was my favorite class. Every once in a while, I felt Shawn staring at me but when I turned around to look, he would quickly dart his eyes away, thinking that I hadn't seen him. He was such a dork.

Unfortunately, Nash hadn't spoken to me the rest of the day and hadn't even looked at me either. I just shrugged, pretending not to care because at least we had shared something else in the hallway.

Now, I had dropped Sydney off at her house after school and as I had told her the story of what happened with me and Nash she had been happy for me, but not too excited. She just didn't like him as a person, so it was evident in her words.

But currently I was on my way to Shawn's house, to actually start working on the song more, because yesterday we had just goofed around mostly and tried to get to know each other.

As I drove into his driveway, I saw him standing in his yard, trying to take a selfie with the right lighting. I burst out laughing and quickly hopped out of my car. I ran up to him and pushed him slightly so he lost his balance and I began laughing.

"Oh so you think you can bully me now?" He questioned with his eyebrows raised. I nodded, with a smirk on my face and he grabbed me by my sides and began to tickle me and I laughed uncontrollably.

"Hey that's an unfair advantage!" I managed to scream out in between laughs. His fingers danced at my sides and stomach, making me feel jittery. He pulled me towards him, so he could have a better access and now I was mere centimeters away from his body. One of his hands held my waist tightly, and somehow it felt like his hand fit perfectly right there

"No it isn't." He protested and continued doing it until I was squirming and yelling at him to stop. I finally managed to pry his hand off my waist and began to run away from him. I got to the other side of the yard and my running didn't even come in use, because he had already reached me with his long strides.

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled, my laughs echoing everywhere and he lifted me up until my feet were off the ground.

"Shawn!" I exclaimed and he finally put me down, taking his hands off of me. He chuckled at what he had done to me and I glared at him.

"You're such a butthead." I glared and he pointed at my head laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked him with my hands on my waist.

"Your h-hair." He said between laughs and I reached up to feel it sticking all over the place.

I grunted, pushing past Shawn, but not forgetting to hit him on my way. I walked to my car in a quick pace and I heard him run after me.

"Hey don't go," his voice sounded concerned and quiet behind me and he grabbed my wrist lightly. His fingers held me gently, not too rough or too hard. 

I turned to face him and it was my turn to laugh at him. "I was only getting a hair brush."

"Oh," he shrugged and his next actions surprised me.

"You don't need one." He mumbled and brought his hands up to my hair and smoothed it down with one pat. I felt him bring my bangs and place them behind my ear and I glanced up at his face to see it knotted in determination.

I brought a few bobby pins out of my pocket and proceeded to pin my bangs back when Shawn's hands were out of my hair. I usually only pinned them back when I was at home, and kept them down at school.

"Ava," I heard Shawn breathe out. I finally got my hair straight and looked at him to see him staring at me.


"You look really beautiful with your hair pinned back like that." He mumbled awkwardly, and stared at me as if he was in awe.

"Thank you," I felt a warm blush come to my cheeks. Nobody had ever complimented me like that, and it felt odd that this boy in front of me was, but I let the great feeling sink inside of me, cherishing this moment. "You're really sweet."

"I know." He said sarcastically, changing the deep moment to something more light-hearted and I appreciated him for that, because even though I was sappy, I always felt a little out of my zone when people began to sweet talk. I would rather joke around with someone and only occasionally murmur sweet things.

"So what are we doing today?" I piped up, changing the subject.

"Well I figured we could walk to this place. It's like really peaceful and it helps me think." He spoke, while glancing at his phone. His face contorted into confusion but he shrugged and put his phone inside his pocket.

I didn't question his actions and simply complied to his request and began walking with him down his neighborhood.

"So," he began, with his hands jammed into his pockets. I looked up at him and saw his brown eyes focused on the ground as we walked. The gravel crunched beneath our feet and I nudged his arm lightly to get him to finish his thought. "You and Nash then?"

I felt surprised at his words and curiosity filled my mind at what he meant. "What about us?" I asked.

"Well you guys were late to class today and I was just wondering, um, I don't know." He tried to explain himself but just gave up, sighing.

I didn't know what to say at his statement. I felt stuck regarding the decision whether to tell him or not about who Nash was to me. I felt like I could trust Shawn, and especially because we were writing this song together, I felt like trust was the most optimum thing at the moment.

"Can I tell you something.." I started, feeling a little scared about my decision to tell him.

"Yeah of course you can." He nodded and I wrapped my jacket around me closer. My breaths came out before me in short puffs and I felt my nose grow super cold.

I stopped in my tracks and he turned around to look at me. He came towards me and nodded, telling me to go on. His eyes seemed understanding, and I felt so comfortable with him at the moment, so I decided to tell him.

"I have a crush on Nash."

Author's Note:
Sorry this is kinda short but I felt like it was still kinda cute too ahah.

What's your favorite song by Shawn?

Thanks for everything, ily my nuggets

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