Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I saw Shawn's face fall a little bit and different emotions flickered in his eyes. He clenched his jaw and something like disappointment was evident in his countenance.

He walked forward, leaving me where I was standing and I felt so confused by his actions. He kept walking faster and faster and I struggled to keep up with his quick pace.

"Shawn!" I exclaimed, running after him. He didn't turn around and kept going. I saw him turn and I followed, seeing a chain metal-link fence ahead.

He stopped at the fence and I finally caught up to him. He stared at the ground and I approached him slowly.

"Shawn," I murmured softly and he looked up at me, a hard look crossing his face. I couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling, because his face seemed stony cold. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back, before it fell back into its normal position. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said through gritted teeth and confusion went through me.

"Well obviously something is up, you just ran away from me." I murmured and his eyebrows crossed together.

"It doesn't fuc.king matter." He seethed, his eyes pressed closed as he leaned back against the fence.

"But what happened-" I started but he interrupted me by hitting the fence behind him loudly with his fist. I backed away a few steps, scared at what he had become in front of me. He seemed angry. Very angry.

"I told you to fuc.king stop. Get away from me." He shouted slightly, and I felt a dull ache throbbing against my temples. What was wrong with him? Everything was going so alright, but what had caused his sudden anger?

"Shawn, just tell me what's wrong! Maybe I can help!" I said, raising my voice now to match his. Why was he acting like this?

"You've already helped enough. Just go home." He spoke, his voice low and dark just like his demeanor. His eyes were downcast and he stared at the ground, still leaning against the fence.

"Fine. Don't think I'll come back either." I shook my head, my anger and ego getting the best of me. Who was I to be bossed around by him? I wasn't some stupid little girl that would endure that kind of treatment from someone.

I started to walk away, my footsteps retracing my older path and I walked quickly, almost in a small jog. His mood had changed so fast. We were both having such a good time, and just because I finally decided to be straight forward with him and share private information with him, he had decided to be like this. And the anger  I saw in his eyes was superfluous. I'd never seen someone so angry before and it was all because I had told him I had a freaking crush on Nash. Like why would he even care about that?

I felt hurt almost. I didn't want to cause this much anger or pain to anyone, especially not one of my friends. He was overreacting for sure, I wasn't trying to mean any harm at all.

"Ava." I heard him breathe out from behind me. I shook my head, ignoring him and kept walking away. I hated all this drama over a simple confession.

"Ava!" He called again, his voice sounding more urgent and I heard his loud footsteps come after me.

I felt him grab my wrist and he yanked it, not too roughly, and made me turn around to face him. His countenance had softened, and his eyes had returned to the lighter shade of hazel that they usually were. He seemed almost like the Shawn he was before the whole encounter but who knows what was to come.

"What?" I shouted at him, even though our faces were centimeters away. I felt his eyes soften and I caught them glistening a little bit, as if he was about to cry.

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