Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Dude what if I fall?" I questioned, biting my lip while looking at the looming tree above is.

"I'll be here to catch you everytime you fall." He quoted Maroon 5 and I laughed but felt my cheeks heating a bit up at his words.

I grabbed the bark of the wood and made my way up to a long sturdy branch that was perfect for sitting on. Pretty soon, Shawn joined me and his quick and expert movements showed that he had done this a million times before.

"This place is great." He spoke softly and I nodded at his words. We began to write a few more lines of our song and both of us contributed to certain words and before we knew it, we had a verse completely done.

"Look at us, finally writing this." I laughed, talking about how much we procrastinated before.

"We're going to be done in no time." Shawn said and I nodded, a silence washing over us. Honestly, it had been so easy to write this with him. Even though we were only a quarter of the way done, he had made it so easy for me to express myself to him. Maybe it was because we were so alike.

"Ready to go?" He asked, glancing at the setting sun that had cast a light glow on the both of us.

"Yes sir." I nodded curtly and then began to climb my way down the tree.

I reached the bottom and put my hands on my hips while staring at the beautiful sunset that was before us. It was still cold as hell, but the sun had caused different colored lights to dance above us. A swirling variety of purples, blues and pinks graced the sky. Sunsets like these were rare and I felt happy to be here, witnessing it. Usually, I stayed inside and didn't do much.

I heard scrambling and all of a sudden I heard a crack of a branch and a loud yelp coming from the dorky boy that I was here with.

"Shawn!" I shouted and turned around to see him dangling from the tree with one arm around its trunk. I bursted out laughing, because of the apparent alarm on his face. The idiot didn't realize that he was two feet away from the ground. I pulled my phone out and quickly took a picture of him dangling from the tree and put it on my snapchat story.

"Ava," he groaned, elongating the last syllable of my name. "Come help me."

"You should jump." I said with amusement sparkling in my eyes as I walked towards him.

"No! I don't want to break my arms and legs, you idiot." He sassed while staring up at the tree above him.

"Shawn," I laughed at his confusion. He thought he was high up in the tree, because he hadn't even looked down while descending, but he was actually super close to the ground.

"Trust me." I chuckled while placing a hand on his leg.

"Wait, how are you touching me?" He exclaimed loudly.

"Um because you're two feet from the ground?" I stated, my sentence coming out as a question. I saw him glance down to the ground and to my smiling face and he grunted and jumped, landing right in front of me.

"I'm so stupid." He whispered, his voice low. He glanced at the ground, looking away from me.

I felt a desire to make him feel better so I said, "stupidly cute."

He looked at me with his eyes shining in curiosity and I just shrugged. He smiled adorably and I returned the gesture before starting to walk away. I had get home soon, it was almost 6:30 pm and I had to make dinner once again.

"Ready to go so soon?" He questioned, catching up to me and walking beside me.

"Yeah you know I have to be home around this time," I quickly explained. "So what were you even doing that made you loose your balance in the tree?"

"I was on my phone." He quickly muttered, his voice mysterious again.

"You could've waited until, idk you were on the ground?" I sassed him and he just chuckled.

The rest of the walk was spent with us bickering with each other and laughing. We got over the fence without Shawn actually touching my butt this time, which to be honest, I didn't mind completely before hand.

As I was getting into my car I asked, "so my house tomorrow? Instead of yours?"

"Sure." He nodded with a small smile on his face. The mood was light-hearted and all of a sudden I saw him leaning in to give me a hug. His strong arms wrapped around my torso and I returned his warm gesture by hugging him back. His chin touched the top of my head and I felt him sigh into the hug.

"Goodnight babe." He whispered into my ear, while leaning down to be level with my face.

"Night." I laughed and pulled out of his hug. We said our final goodbyes and I hopped into my car and drove away. I saw Shawn waving to me in his driveway with one of his hands in his pocket. He looked really good, with the last rays of the sun shining on him.

I got home and as soon as I entered I could smell the aroma of pizza and I did a mini happy dance in my head at the thought of the food. Pizza was my favorite, and it made me really happy.

I entered the dining room calling out for my mom and I saw my dad sitting at the head of the table alone. His disposition seemed subdued and I gave him a quick hug and he returned a greeting, but not with the usual finesse he usually possessed.

"Where's mom?" I asked and he almost ignored my question while staring in front of him directly. What was up with my parents lately?

"She's not home from work yet.." He muttered and pulled out his phone and began typing away at something.

"Why? It's really late." I questioned. I knew I was pushing his buttons and he wasn't in the best mood, but I was really curious about everything.

"She has stuff to do Ava. Now go get cleaned up for dinner." He ordered and I rolled my eyes at his rudeness and began to climb the stairs to my room.

I threw my bookbag down in my room and jumped onto the bed and got on my phone. I texted Sydney back quickly and then went on snapchat to reply to a few snaps from my cousin and to check who had seen my story.

I got a notification from Instagram and I tapped it and was taken to the app. Once it pulled up, I saw that I was tagged in a photo that Shawn posted.

It was a picture of me, staring into the sunset with my hands on my hips. The picture had been taken from behind and I realized that was what the idiot had been doing when he had been on his phone and lost his balance in the tree.

The caption was the most surprising part and I felt my cheeks heat up as I read it:

The sunset was pretty, but not as beautiful as the girl looking at it.

Author's note: ok that's really cute and I'm sad bc why can't I have that



Love you my nuggets :)

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