Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

that picture absolutely does not describe them in this fanfic haha^ but I'm forever wishing I had those two hotties in my life wow Ava ur so lucky

Ava's POV:

"Oh" I heard the boy whisper as he stared at the two of us. I had seen him before, he was one of Nash' best friends. "Sorry for interrupting... But coach wants you outside Nash."

I blushed at his words and what he thought was probably happening between the two of us. Nash nodded and the boy returned outside. Nash simply brought his hand from under my shirt and brought his body away from on top of mine. He simply walked to his locker, not saying a word and just pulling on his jersey.

I felt confused by his empty actions and thought I should say something.

"Um," I muttered nervously, not knowing what to say after the heavy make out session we had just experienced. I patted down my hair a little bit and adjusted my shirt before walking over to him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him. His back faced me and I saw him quickly pulling things out of his locker.

"Hurry up, I don't have much time." He snapped and I felt a little hurt at his words. Had he not cared about what had just happened at all? I knew he probably did this all the time, but it was my first time. And he chose to do it in a locker room. I hadn't exactly wanted my first kiss to occur in a locker room but I guess if it was with him, it was okay.

"What about Madison?" I questioned, the biggest question burning in my mind.

"What about her?" He snapped again, his voice extremely hostile. How was he so nonchalant about this? Didn't he have an idea what I was talking about?

"Didn't you exactly cheat on her..?" I asked quietly and I saw him turn to face me. He chuckled at my face, one of those laughs that made me feel stupid.

"What are you talking about? All we did was kiss." He laughed at me and I felt my heart shattering a little bit. That's all he thought about the experience we just shared?

"Yeah it was my first kiss, you jerk." I felt courage in my chest and I let everything out. I began to walk away, feeling infuriated at his words.

"Ava, wait." I heard him sigh and he grabbed my wrist rashly and yanked it with force, almost hurting me. "I'm sorry." He apologized and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm serious! I'm sorry I'm just in a hurry. Madison cheats on me all the time, I wouldn't call what we have a relationship. Can we hang out tomorrow? I'll make it up to you." He spoke quickly, making the proposition as if it was nothing. There was no emotion to his words, only logical planning of the sort.

I sighed and he yanked my wrist again and said please.

"Fine, you can come to my house tomorrow or something." I sighed again. I couldn't just say no to those gorgeous blue eyes. Or to him. How could I say no to my crush of so many years? It wasn't possible.

"Will your parents be home?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Why did he want to know that?

"No.. They don't get home until 6." I looked at him weirdly and a small smirk settled into his face.

"Perfect." He grinned and dropped my wrist. "You're one sexy little girl Ava." He mentioned, winking at me and surprisingly, his comment did not make me feel any better about myself. The way he said "little girl" was demeaning, as if he considered himself way better than me.

"Okay." I mumbled and walked to the door, for some reason wanting to get away from him, far away as possible. His voice was almost annoying all of a sudden. Although I had practically adored him for years, this one conversation we just shared caused me to think differently of him. I felt almost insulted that he had just waved that kiss off like it was nothing. It has certainly meant a whole lot to me, but obviously nothing to him. He probably made out with a hundred other girls. Why was I any special?

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