Still Down to Earth

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Chapter 25:

*Alex's POV*

As I was driving home from school I received a text. I thought it might be from Hannah (again) so I ignored it. This girl was completely obsessed. Hannah has been texting me all day non-stop. I was sitting in my first period and my phone buzzed about 15 times. I was beyond pissed with this girl. She's just so needy and desperate; I knew I made the right decision by breaking up with her. She's just too clingy like a dryer sheet to your pants. I remembered when I saw Taylor come out of his house with a dryer sheet stuck to his shorts. I laughed out loud to this; those were the good times I used to have until girls entered my world. 

As I drove home, I knew I had to devise a plan to get Hannah off my back. I'm tired of her and her constant whining and her friends. I have to get rid of her even if it means breaking her heart. After she's gone, i'll be free to live my life the way I want it to be: all fun, no distractions, and no one holding me back. 


 *Sophia's POV*

When I got home I flopped on my bed and sighed. I was content with the fact that my life was slowly changing for the better. I had new a hobby but I hope I was good at it. I bored and missed one of my friends so I called Harvey.

"Hey, Harvs. Want to come over?"

"Sure, What do you want to do?"

"I was hoping we could watch a movie and I'll make some of my brownies to make up for leaving you to sit alone at lunch."

"Nah, I sat at the library for was fun."

"So you don't want the brownies?" I teased.

"No, I want the brownies."

I knew Harvey loved my brownies. He always came over asking for me to make some.

"Ok, I'll see you in a few bring a movie! Are you going to sleep over?"

"Yeah, I'll see you in twenty minutes; don't forget my brownies."

"I won't... bye."

I hung up and went down stairs to get started on the brownies. I got all the ingredients and started working on the batter.

I was home alone and by the time I put the brownies in the oven, there was a ring at the door. sparks came out of his hiding spot and barket at the unopened door. I checked the peep hole and saw Harvey standing outside with a bag of DVDs, a sleeping bag, and a white t-shirt  and some shorts tucked in the sleeping bag. 

I opened the door and he came through. 

"Thank god, I thought you were just going to keep staring at me through the peep hole. It was hot out there," He said arrogantly.

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