Chapter 18

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A/n: Hey Everyone! oh boy, this book has been dead for more than a month. to be honest, i was constructing my plot; making sure the story went smoothly in my head before continuing to write on the site, or on my laptop. also, if you follow me on instagram, you'll notice my vacation posts. 

i'm currently on holiday with friends  to celebrate the New Year, which, By the way, HAPPY 2016 TO YOU ALL!! i hope you all had a great time, and i know this year will change your lives; whether that's in a big way or multiple little ways. 

i was seriously hoping to finish this book last year, but i was doomed the moment the holidays started, which i hope you're all enjoying as much as i am. okay, now that my excuses and apologies are out of the way and you've all forgiven me (I hope :)), let's get back to the book.

I know that the last time i posted a chapter, i said that it would be the last, along with this one that you're about to read now;but...seeing as i delayed posting and i feel terrible for holding you for almost three months, i thought i'd add another chapter for you! consider it a new years gift before we all head off to school and you won't have time to read the book (or any wattpad novels). i hope that raised some spirits and that you're still interested and invested in the story as much as i am. 

so...while i took a hiatus from writing...a certain follower started reading my book, and i suddenly received tons of votes along with encouraging and motivational comments...this really warmed my heart and i'd like to take the time to thank  Predictfai_x for all the votes and comments. they really helped my spirits:)

okay, okay...i'm going to shut up and let this chapter do the talking. i present to you, chapter 18 :)


"Maria, quick! I need you to go to Sandton to collect the bride's shoes I ordered." Mrs Muller said in a panic, before I could protest she shoved the piece of paper and a handful of money in my pocket and hurriedly pushed me out of the front door.

"But Mad-"

Bang! The front door closed. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting. In an hour or so it would be night time. It would be impossible to find a taxi or a bus that would take me to Sandton at this time of the day.

I tried knocking on the front door again, but nobody heard me; or rather she ignored me flat. I sighed and made my way downstairs and just as I walked out of the building, a taxi stopped at the corner of the street. I ran to the taxi and asked the driver to take me to Sandton, "Last taxi, ma sista." He said. With no train of thought but the very fact that Mrs Muller would butcher me if I didn't get the shoes, I jumped on the taxi and by the time I arrived in Sandton, the sun was gone and the moon was way up in the sky. It was way past the curfew. I got off the taxi in a hurry and the taxi sped off.

If I get caught, I'll get arrested and go to jail, I thought to myself. I looked for the shop Mrs Muller had sent me to, and when I found it, the lights were out and the door was locked. A big fat 'Closed' sign was posted on the door. Sandton is a huge city and definitely a settlement for the wealthy white people. And because it was night time, people were either on their way home or going to the nearby shopping malls.

I spent the next two hours, dodging cars and traffic; hiding in allies so nobody would see me.

When it started to rain; just out of the blue.

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