Chapter 1

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It was Friday night and Chloe Martin looked forward to a quiet evening alone. The college students at the dorm where she worked usually cleared out of the old house, making their way into the local bars and pubs to check out the bands and drink away the weekends. Chloe remembered how exciting it all was when she and her friends first started out. Now nearly five years later, one college bar looked like any other and the bands all started to sound the same.

Chloe's plan was to spend the evening immersed in some pastel portraits of her family that she had promised herself she would finish. Her job at the dorm kept her pretty busy. All the grocery shopping and other household duties had her spinning around like crazy. Working on her art always seemed to take a back seat.

With a deep breath, Chloe laid out the half finished sketches on her tiny cluttered desk. Taking a step back, she wondered if she'd ever make something of herself in the real world. She had such a tough time figuring how to develop a viable career out of her Fine Arts education. For now, though, at least, she had her job at the dorm. Even though it wasn't what she wanted to be doing after graduation, it provided her with a place to live until she could find something else.

Just another couple of hours would be all she would need to finish them. She sat down and started to add some highlights to her brother's hair when all of a sudden there came a giddy laugh from the hall and in walked Jill, a fourth-year student who Chloe had come to regard as more of a friend than just another resident at the house.

"Hey, Chloe, what are you up to tonight?" she asked, scooting up on the bed.

"Hi, Jill." Chloe greeted her with a knowing grin. So much for her plan to stay in. "Well, I thought I'd take it easy and work on some sketches."

"Well, that's no fun." Jill sighed and pouted. "Hey, why don't you come out with me and my friends? There's this great band playing at Joe's, the Stick Shift Lips."

"Really, another band?" Chloe asked wearily. "I think I've seen enough bands lately. Remember last weekend? Those guys were a joke," she said with a frown. "I don't know. I think I'd rather stay in and draw tonight. Thanks for asking."

Jill sighed and rolled her eyes in frustration. "But this band is so amazing! I promise you'll love them. They're really hot too, especially the bass player," she said, hugging Chloe's pillow like it was her beloved rockstar. "Oh, come on. It'll be a good time and you need a break from this place," she insisted. "I won't take no for an answer. Besides, it's ladies night."

Dropping the chalk down on the desk, Chloe resigned herself. "All right, but just for a little while."


To be continued...

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Hand In Glove

Copyright © 2014 by Maria Bernard. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-9731474-5-2



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