Going home

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Camila's P.O.V

"Do we really have to go home tomorrow?" I whine.

"Yes babe" Lauren says continuing to pack her suitcase.

"But why? We haven't even had long here. It's so unfair." I say stomping my feet on the ground.

"You're such a child." Lauren laughs.
"Now start packing."

"I don't want to." I say crossing my arms and standing in front of her.

"Babe stop messing around." Lauren says in a serious tone looking me dead in the eyes.

"No. I don't want to go home so I'm not packing."

"Yes you are."

"Make me." I say not meaning it to come out so teasingly.

"Fine." With that said Lauren wrapped her hands around my body and pinned me against the wall. I felt her place soft kisses on my neck. Her teeth slowly grazed my skin making me moan. Her hand traveled down my thighs and stopped at my ass which she squeezed. She bit down on my neck and I knew there would be a mark left.

"Do you want this?" Lauren huskily asks in my ear making me shiver.

"Yes." I managed to breath out not realising how aroused I was until now.
She gently connected our lips but it didn't last long. She bit down on my bottom lip making me gasp. She quickly slid her tongue inside of my mouth and began exploring.

Her hands made their way to the front on my trousers and began to unbutton them. I soon felt her cup my heated area.

"Fuck you're so wet." She says disconnecting our lips.

"All for you." I say trying to connect our lips again? but she quickly moves her head.

"All for me?" She asks smirking.

"Yes." I say desperately needing her to touch me.

"So then you'll be able to wait." She laughs.

"But-" She pushed herself off me and continued packing.

"Get packing." She says trying not to laugh.

"What the hell?" I say.

"You asked me to make you pack and that's what I'm doing."

"But I'm not packing." I say

"No not yet, but if you want me to finish what I started then you will."
The sneaky little bitch.

"You can't do that to me."

"Yes I can. So, are you going to pack or be frustrated all day? It's up to you." She says smugly.

"I wish I could smack that grin of your face." I say which makes her laugh even more.
I open my suitcase and begin to pack.
"Is this yours?" I say holding a 1975 top up.

"Yes. I've been looking for that. I though I lost it." She says and I throw it to her.
I never realised how many clothes I actually brought until now.
I look at Lauren and see that she's on her phone typing something.

"So you complain at me for not packing but you're allowed on your phone." I say.

"I'm nearly all packed. You've just started. Plus I was tweeting about you so be nice to me princess." She says.

I pick up my phone and go onto Lauren's profile on Twitter. I look at her recent tweet which is a Twit long. and start to blush.

@LaurenJauregui: She's the most beautiful human being ever.
*Picture attached.
She makes me the happiest I could ever dream to be. It's weird to think that we started talking because I saw her tweets. I could never imagine that she would be a huge part of my life in such a short amount of time. We only started talking a few months ago but she already owns my heart. Our time in Italy has been magical. I always dreamed of going to Italy when I was younger. I'm glad that the first time that I went was with Camila. I couldn't think of a better person to go with.
It's our last day here and I really don't want to go back home. I wish me and Camila could just stay here and create our own live out here.
But I know it won't happen. Atleast not yet. Hopefully it will soon and hopefully she will be my wife the next time we visit here.
I love you Karla Camila Cabello❤

I didn't realise I was crying until Lauren came over and started wiping my tears away.

"Why are you crying?" She gently asks.

"Because that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me. You never fail to make me smile or make me feel loved. I'm so glad I met you Lauren because it just doesn't feel right thinking about my live without you in it. I love you so much." I say kissing her lips. We both smiled into the kiss and these are the moments that I'll never get bored off.

"How about we leave packing until tomorrow? Our flight isn't until the afternoon."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this chapter.
The next chapter will be a Twitter conversation.
If you have any suggestions, questions or just want to talk feel free to message me.
You can also talk to me on Twitter and Ask.fm
My username is - jaureguihippy
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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