A lot has changed

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7 years later

"And I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life. I remember waking up at like 5 in the morning thinking about how the day will be. I remember the butterflies in my stomach and my palms sweating. I remember our family there. It was a day to remember and I wish you was there. The moment I saw her walking down the aisle I actually forgot how to breath and I fell in love all over again.

She made me feel like I was 7 and at primary school. She still does, but in that specific moment she made me feel things that are hard to describe.
I knew that she would look beautiful, but I never expected to be blown away like that.

It been 6 years and 2 weeks since that day happened. That long ago and I remember it so clearly. Day like that are days that will always be clear in my memory. Even when I'm old and wrinkled.

Another day that will always be clear in my memory is the day that you were born. The day I found out that mummy was pregnant I was so nervous. I always kept thinking stuff like 'what if I do something wrong'. It must have been about 2 days before you were born. Me and mummy we went to this huge baby store to get you lots of bits. I mean we must have already had hundreds of bits, but mummy consisted that we get more. She wanted everything to be perfect for you. I kept telling her not to rush about but she never listened.

The first moment that I saw you,I fell in love. Your little face was the most precious thing that I have ever seen. You had this cute little cry and as soon as I held you tiny hand,you wrapped your fingers around my thumb. In that moment I knew that I had everything that I have ever wanted. I had a beautiful little baby girl and I had a beautiful Wife."

"I love hearing about yours and mummy's love story." My little Angel says.

"So do I. Now you need to get some sleep. We need to get you to nanny's early." I say tucking my princess in and kissing her on the forehead.
"Night sweety."

"Night Mummy."
I walked out of Crystal's room and soon Camz standing there.

"You're amazing." She says wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a kiss.

"Well what can I say." I playfully say. Camila just laughs and gently slaps my arm.

"Do you always tell Crystal about us?"

"I tell her everything about us." I say and see Camila smirk while raising up one eyebrow.

"Everything huh?" She asks whispering into my ear and gently biting my sensitive spot.

"Maybe not everything. I like to keep stories with our daughter PG." I say making her giggle into my ear. That sound always sends shivers down my spine. This girl will be the death of me.

"Well our daughter is currently sleeping. So why don't we make another story that is an 18?" I didn't even need to answer because she knew what it would be. She dragged me into our room and gently shut it.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
So, 1 more chapter left and this story is over.
I'm actually really sad to be ending it to be honest.
I just want to say sorry again for the next chapter.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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