Chapter One: Sold

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He sits across from me at the table and I wonder why My Father Called me in here and why King Daniel is here along with his Wife Queen Ashlin and My mother.

"You are to marry in a month." I catch the words being said in their native tongue which is french which I had taught myself without others knowledge.

"Jaclynn you are betrothed to Prince Mathieu of France in a month you are to marry and you will go to his country and rule."

"Jou Sil eyi!! " You sold me! I exclaim, it is some odd language I was taught as a child that is nonsensical but father demands I use the language to hide dispute. He calls it nonsense speech.

But I never truly understood why it came so natural to me, then again so does every language, The words are spoken and I understand, a gift sure but that is the last thing I wish to think about.

"No more using that nonsense speak!" Mother exclaims switching to latin.

I sigh.

"You sold me, I am to be queen you have no more power over me, and you willingly did so." I hiss to her wanting to run to the library and lose myself in a fantasy world.

"I am still your mother. And I am also a queen." She warns me.

"Not anymore, you discarded me like trash" I finish in latin so the french have no clue what we are saying.

Prince Mateiu looks at me and smiles but I glare in return.

"I wish to leave." I say in english so everyone understands/

"Sit down Jaclynn." My father commands.

I ignore him and rush through the door.

"You must return to that meeting." Advisor Joffrey says from behind me.

"You cannot tell me what to do Joffrey. I am to be Queen Of France, I have no choice or say in the matter and I will never know what love feels like so go and leave me be." I know I am being far too stubborn and harsh but I am sure anyone in this position would not exactly throw a party about it.

I storm off to the library illuminated by small lamps here and there and a large chandelier in the center. I realize that I will never find comfort in this room again in a month.

The door opens and I huff knowing it will be yet another guard bothering me to return to my doom.

"ne derelinquas me esse" Leave me alone!

"Why does you and your staff speak Latin why can't you use english?" Matthieu...

I turn and look at him.

"Vos non intelleget istud" You understand this.

"i facere" I do.

"How many languages do you know?" I ask returning to English.

"I understand the basics of most languages as I am to be future King so I must. However what was that language you and your father were talking in." His english has a slight accent but is quite articulate.

"I'd rather not talk to you." I say turning away from him and starting to my favorite section of the library that houses old classics and fairy tales.

I hear footsteps and stop walking causing Prince Mathieu to slam into my back.

"Stop following me." I glare at him once more before walking once more.

Yet he stays behind me, "Mathieu, quit following me you will have the rest of my life in a month to do whatever you wish, but right now I would like to stay as far away from my damned future and the person I am to be imprisoned with until my death!" I exclaim.

He looks at me shocked.

"You cannot talk to me like that." He states calmly.

"I can do as I wish. At least for my speech, as for the rest of my life I have no say so I will fight with my words and wield them like a sword and gun for they are my only weapons." I am inches from his face and Prince Mathieu looks at me clearly startled.

"As long as I am to suffer by your side I will ensure you do too." I spit out.

I push him away from me and run up to Jax's room tears streaming down my face.

I don't hesitate to knock.

"Jaclynn?" He looks up from his desk looking surprised.

"They sold me!" I exclaim.

"No. Lynn, they wouldn't."

"To ensure peace with France they would. It is the 22nd century and 200 years since this last happened to a Princess of the Americas. Yet they have done so. I am to be wed in a month," I break and my brother holds me.

He has too much stress upon him already as he is heir and I feel bad for burdening him with my troubles. He is only an hour older than I but he looks years older from stress and being forced to grown up far too soon.

"It can't be legal Lynn we are only 17, there has to be a law against it." He sounds determined.

I shake my head. "Joffrey knows about it which means the advisaries and advisors agreed upon it."

"This is awful. But Lynn, Mathieu is a kind young man, he won't misuse you or harm you."

"I am not an object! And it doesn't matter who it is because I won't love them! I am being used as a pawn, and I intend to make them regret treating me as if I am powerless."


"Oh I will not do anything stupid!" I exclaim, "I will simply make those involved of influencing my future pay."

"Perhaps you should go find Ellise, she may help you calm down."

I nod and walk out of his room wiping away the tears.

I hear her childish laughter and follow it to the playroom attached to her bedroom.

I see my only other sibling wearing a light yellow dress and rocking a doll in her arms, and It pains me to think that she may end up like me being sold to another country as a sacrifice for peace.

"Jackie!" She exclaims.

I leave the large french doors open and give her a hug.

"why were you crying?" She asks simply her gold hair falling in ringlets around her face much like the doll she is holding.

"I have to leave home soon."

"Why?" Her five year old face wields concern.

"Mommy and daddy want to make sure that you will always be safe."I say noticing a tear falls from her eye.

"Don't cry Ellie You will always be able to call me to talk."

"Stay here and play with me." She asks.

"I wish I could stay here forever but I can play with you for a while."

I sit besides her and we play dolls and have a small tea party before it gets to be her bedtime.

"Will you be leaving tonight?" She asks as she climbs into bed.

"I will not be Ellise, I will see you tomorrow morning. Good night my little princess."

"I am everyone's little princess!" She exclaims.

I laugh, "You are, now good night."

"Good night."

I turn out the light wondering where mother and father are and why they never really seem to say goodnight to Ellise.

The Picture Above is the best image that looks like Jaclynn. The actual person is Phobe Tonkins, but I'm not sure if I will use her completely as my face claim for Jaclynn.

Thanks For reading!


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