Chapter Eight: Watch Them Fall

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A maid wakes me having found me in the gardens napping.

I missed lunch and apparently as did Mathieu so everyone assumed that we were together.

But when Mathieu was found alone in the library the started searching for me.

I brush the dirt off of my dress best I can but there are darker spots still on the dress from where the dirt has stayed.

I am given a tray of food the moment I reach my room as well as a note from mother telling me I must eat for no one wants a bribe that is too skinny.

I crumple up the note and toss it into the small trash can in the bathroom.

Lunch must have been something seafood because I recieve a salad the usual meal for me as I despise seafood with a passion. It's odd.

A knock sounds at my door.

"Come in." I say before taking another bite, knowing that it will not be Mathieu.

"Hello Jaclynn." Abigail says entering my room and quickly shutting the door behind her.

"Hello." I say putting my fork down and calling in one of my maids to come take my plate.

"What is the truth behind all of this?" She asks sitting on my bed.

"It's quite confusing, and I am not sure I know myself." I admit.

"Can to try to explain it, because something tells me you want nothing of this."

"You are right I hate all of this. Mathieu had contacted my parents to see if he could come and stay for a bit to see if I wanted to be in a relationship with him, but apparently my parents saw this as an opportunity to help both countries somehow, and a way to find me a husband because they thought I didn't want one. I did, I was just simply waiting to truthfully love someone. Now I have 11 days left in my home country before I leave and go over seas married to a man I don't love." I tell her without stopping, it just all spills out.

"Oh my." She whispers. "You were betrothed?"

"I was, and they gave me only a month until my wedding so I had no way out."

"That is awful, I am not sure what I would do if I were forced to marry someone." She says looking unsure of what to say.

"You will not have to marry anyone you don't want to, as you are in line for the throne,"

She nods, "Perhaps I will have to marry before they consider any of that."

We fall silent and I can tell she has something she wishes to say.

" I think I may be in love with Jax."

"I think you are too."

"You do?" She looks at me confused.

"First off that kiss you shared this morning, and secondly the way you look at each other is almost amazing just by itself."

"You think he feels the same way?" If she was a dog her ears would be up.

"I am quite positive." I say with confidence. In truth I am quite positive I am breaking various unwritten sibling rules.

Her smile is contagious and she talks quickly in swedish she mainly speculates her feelings but every now and then she pauses before saying she wishes to know if he loves her.

"You simply must go and see." I encourage her.

"I will. But Jaclynn, do you think there is a possibility of ever finding something with Mathieu whether it is love or friendship?"

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