Chapter Nine: Meet the In-Laws

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Wednesday was the last day with any semblance of peace.

Yesterday The italian royals arrived along with various dignitaries bringing a lot of noise to the palace.

With 8 days left all of the guests will have arrived by monday which is a bit overwhelming because it is currently friday and I am already worn out of answering questions of our love story and how he proposed, thankfully I was prompted on what exactly to say to sell the story.

Mathieu can't seem to calm down at breakfast as right afterwards his siblings will be arriving which I find quite stressful because there is no way I will fool his three siblings.

A nanny had been taking care of them while their parents were here which I find rather sad that all of this news was being relayed to them by anyone other than their parents or brother.

I hardly eat as I have not been hungry lately.

My mother gives me a harsh look but I pretend I didn't see it.

The maids clear the dishes and we make our way to the landing strip just in time to see the private jet landing.

My mind wanders as Mathieu greets his siblings.

Come tomorrow there is a week, or would it be considered six day? Either way next Saturday I will be a wife and a girl no longer. And a week later is my birthday.

I snap my head up and realize that it is practically July 4th, my birthday, and my wedding is june 27th.

As much as I want to be excited I know everything will be different this year and for the rest to come.

"Jaclynn, these are my siblings Gabriel, Leo, and Charlotte. Gabriel is 14, Leo is 11, and charlotte is 7." Mathieu says avoiding eye contact. He only speaks to me when required and it is quite odd to have him not bugging me constantly.

I shake each of their hands.

"It is great to finally meet you." I says smiling genuinely.

"Stop acting Princess. I know you don't love my brother and that you just want to be queen." Gabriel hisses.

I step back stunned, and stumble on the stairs.

Mathieu catches me and for a moment we stay like that looking into each other's eyes before her props me up right and quickly speaks to gabriel in french.

Whatever was said does not please Gabriel and he responds angrily.

"Don't worry about him, he doesn't like when new people enter the palace. He despised Charlotte for two years." Leo says quietly with a slight accent on certain words.

I am shocked at how wise and mature the eleven year old is.

Leo leaves to go talk to his parents leaving me with the arguing Mathieu and Gabriel whose words I don't try to decipher, and Charlotte.

"So you are going to be my sister?" She asks quietly.

I nod. "I will."

"But what about your other sister Ellise, won't she miss your guidance?" Her voice is soft and almost sounds like little bells. Once again I am shocked by how wise the french royal Children are.

"I am sure she will, but I will try to do my best and contact her at least twice a week."

She nods, "Do you love Mathieu?"

"I am not sure yet, but in some way I must I am marrying him" Against my will.

She nods not completely buying it.

Charlotte goes over to Ellise and they start talking and I find myself listening to the two arguing boys.

She doesn't even make eye contact with you!

Gabriel you have no Idea of the story.

It is obvious that she hates you, she doesn't even touch you. Any normal fiance would be hanging off of their partner, not trying to run away.

I take Mathieu's hand and place it around me as If I want to be in his hold.

Ugh. Mathieu does she know french?

The basics, but you are talking far too fast for her to understand a word.

Yet you decide to marry her out of the blue! You never even talked to us about her, never mentioned anything about her. She has brainwashed you.

I laugh.

And Gabriel looks at me startled.

"Vous êtes jeune, il est compréhensible si ton frère a gardé des choses de vous . Je suis sûr que vous avez entendu toutes les rumeurs sur mon entêtement , pensez-vous vraiment que je voudrais épouser quelqu'un sans les aimer?" You are young it is understandable if your brother kept things from you. I am sure you have heard all of the rumors about my stubbornness, do you really think I would marry someone without loving them?

I smile proudly.

He looks at Mathieu looking betrayed that he lied about my french understanding.

"I'm sorry Jaclynn."

"It is okay Gabriel, our marriage is out of the blue I will agree with you there but If I could throw away the crown I would gladly." I admit.

He nods worriedly before stalking off towards Queen Ashlinn.

I let go of Mathieu's hand.

"You owe me." I hiss before making my way to the top of the stairs.

"There is going to be a party on Monday evening celebrating our engagement, a bit late I know but everyone will be here so it seems some sort of celebration is in order." I announce having planned this with Amelia yesterday, she looked at me like I murdered a puppy when I first threw out the Idea of a party on top of the wedding.

Mother and Father smile at me in approval and I force a smile onto my face, something tells me this is only the beginning of a week of chaos.

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