Chapter Sixteen: Royal Wedding Part 3- May I Have This Dance?

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I take a deep breath as the door opens.

We walk down the stairs together and the guests cheer as we kiss at the bottom like Amelia suggested.

We walk to the head table so that dinner can be served.

Mathieu pulls out my chair and I know that we will have to seriously turn up the romance in order to convince everyone.

He sits next to me and I take his hand.

Lean into him a little bit and sit as close to him as you can. Smile, and always make eye contact when you talk to him. laugh often and kiss often. My mother's voice echos in my head.

I take his hand thankful that he is ambidextrous.

Out of the various courses offered I chose the steak meal with a dinner roll and mashed potatoes.

Mathieu has the same meal the only difference being his steak is medium rare, and mine is well done.

"Would you like some champagne Princess?" A maid asks.

I nod taking the as she fills the flute, but I am not intending to drink it until the toasts.

As I eat I notice all the glances towards Mathieu and I so I move closer to him our shoulders touching slightly.

His hand is fairly larger than mine almost as if my hand is that of a small child's in a father's hand.

My mother always had insisted that I do not do any work, so my hands are weak and slim in comparison to his strong hands.

"We need to do something of interest," I say quickly in a whisper.


He takes my fork and feeds me much like a small child.

I laugh after I finish chewing.

"How on earth is that considered romantic?!?" I exclaim grinning.

"I do not know your brother told me that it used to be considered romantic."

I laugh harder, "Maybe but I find it rather odd, your turn."

He looks at me surprised as I take his fork and get a large serving of mashed potatoes.

I feed it to him but ensure to get some of the excess potato on his face.

"Oops," I say giggling.

Since when do I giggle?

"You devil!" He smiles and it is rather stunning.

"They didn't say that only angels could wear white." I state taking his fork once more and taking more mashed potatoes, this time smearing the entire thing on his mouth and not in it.

He gasps grabbing at my fork.

"No,no, no, Amelia would kill you if you dared to mess up my makeup." I lie.

He rolls his eyes and kisses me instead smearing the food on my face anyways.

I glare at him, "You are the devil not I!"

He laughs at me.

"Il ne pul" I am not!

"Eas Jou Hez!" Yes you are. I combat in nonsense speech.

He grabs for his napkin but I take it out of his hands and dab at my face removing the food quickly.

I throw it to him and he chuckles at my expression.

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