Chapter Six: Welcome, Welcome

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Today the Swedish royals are arriving and Jax is almost bursting with excitement, and it makes me happy to know that both him and Abigail feel the same way about each other.

With 10 days left until I am sentenced to my fate the rest of the guests will begin arriving in three days.

I wear a Light yellow gown and Mother insisted I stand with Mathieu.

So that is how I am standing near the grand entrance with Mathieu's arm wrapped around my waist.

As nonchalantly as possible I am leaning away so his arm is barely touching.

"How was your day thus far?" He asks.

I roll my eyes , "I just woke up."

"Then someone must have broke into your music room and started singing beautifully, almost as if it were a clone."


"Please stop this is terrible enough already that I have to stand here with you touching me and pretend I actually like you, never mind the fact that I am supposed to act like I actually love you."

"Then what was that kiss for?" He says rather loudly.

"It was to shut you up." I admit with a laugh. "To bad for you I have found different , less disgusting ways to do so."

"It couldn't have been that terrible."

"Why ever not? It's not like you are the first person I have kissed" You actually were, and you have soft lips that are perfect for kissing. But Of course I would never admit it.

"Well I rather enjoyed it."

I begin to choke on air.

Did my plan actually work? Is he falling for me? I have made a terrible mistake by kissing him. Oh god what if he falls for me?

"No. Nope you are not allowed to enjoy it, I will kiss you only once more at the wedding as that is customary." I glare at him.

His grip on my waist tightens and he looks down at me before pressing his lips against mine.

For a split second it feels blissful but then I remember whom I am kissing. I Squirm until he breaks off the kiss.

"Don't you ever do that again!" I exclaim stomping on his foot with the one inch heel of my shoe.

He cries out in pain and everyone looks at me and the French royals look slightly amused.

I smile sweetly and go back into Mathieu's shaky grip as the door open.

He leans on me slightly as I am sure my method of scolding him was effective.

Princess Abigail walks in first and Immediately runs up to Jax and very surprisingly they kiss.

My eyes pop out of my head and I see the Swedish king and Queen laughing along with the French royals.

They break apart blushing and whisper to each other quietly.

There is no doubting the affection they share, and perhaps I will get out of the french palace sooner then I think to go to there wedding since Jax can marry whomever he chooses, though Abigail is heir in her country as well and she has no other siblings.

Perhaps that is my way out of this. I mentally note that and wait to see what happens if the time does come I will act upon the opportunity to get my life back as it is a valid reason for me to leave france without causing rebellion.

I smile at the face that I am already plotting my escape and I haven't even gotten there yet.

"Congratulation Jaclynn." Abbigail says breaking away from Jax.

"Thank you." I try to fake happiness best I can but she sees something is wrong.

"Can we talk later?" She asks trying to hide her concern.

"That would be wonderful."

"So Ashlinn is she moving to france to be with your son?" Queen Ada asks boastfully.

"She is." There is a forced smile playing on her lips and I wonder if France really is wondering about my capability as queen.

"Oh" Queen Ada looks surprise and proceeds to whisper something into Queen Ashlinn's ear.

I make out, bad idea, legal? and you are brave.

I try not to react but I clench my fists annoyed that they are so obviously talking about me and I can do nothing about it.

"She said that Was good that you move to france and that It would be a bad idea to do other wise. She did question the legality of our marriage but said that my mother is brave to make such a bold move for my love." He tells me quietly as if reading my mind.

I glare at him as the King and Queen of Sweden come to greet us.

"Good Morning." I say politely.

"Oh good morning Darling, you don't need to be so formal around us. It practically looks like you want to be nowhere near your fiance! We are used to seeing young lovers, our daughter just kissed your brother in front of us, the least you can do it lean in a little." She laughs and I do as well as Jax, but I do it because I am uncomfortable, Jax just knows the irony and stubbornness thus fueling his rather annoying laughter.

Mathieu pulls me a little closer to my dismay, but I understand that if he didn't our parents would instruct us to do so.

"Touch me even a hair more and it is the last thing you will ever feel." I warn smiling.

"What a pleasant way to die." He remarks sarcastically in french.

I roll my eyes and look away from him.

"You two are just precious together! I remember at the International Union Balls how you two were always talking about god knows what but you always looked so engaged and passionate about whatever it was. Oh and how you would always fight over the simplest things. I always told George you two would end up together." Ada smiles at us as if we were little children that said something adoorable.

Back then things were simpler, my problems were simply finding what I should wear to the next ball that would look elegant as well as attract boys. I guess you could say Mathieu and I were friends, all of the other royals our age were of kissing each other and Jax often was one of the frequently disappearing young royals. So often it was just us at the table. Mathieu often told me what he was learning in preparation to take over the throne and I would tell of the latest book I read, the dance I had finished, or song I learned. There were many times we speculated the what if's and what our lives would be like had we not been born royalty. We would dance together occasionally each ball, But like clockwork each ball would end with us in a fight and we would leave angry at each other, only to return the next time ready to talk about nothing for the duration of the night. We grew up together and constantly dreamed of our life without the crown to our name. How coincidental where we are now.

Now things are much more complicated, I am about to get married not for love but for the good of two countries that already allies. I can't find a topic to discuss with Mathieu that two sentences in doesn't annoy me or anger me due to his response. Everything is still common with us like it was then, except now everything is forced. We are not to be friends, but instead lovers. For that I hate thinking of ever being near him, I hate the sound of his name, I hate thinking of those times when we got along so easily, and I hate thinking about how when I was younger I would Dream of him often.

If only I knew, how naive I was then.

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