Chapter Ten: Fools Gold

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And boy was I right. My extended family arrives bringing all of my aunts and uncles and cousins from around the country into one confined spot.

More royal families that are our allies arrive almost every hour it seems, dignitaries from around the world come with their husbands and wives and children and The castle seems to be busting at the seams with activity and people.

The staff dash around like chickens with their heads cut off as they try to make all of our guests from out of state comfortable.

On the day of our wedding anyone local will be arriving by car.

I have Five days including my wedding day itself.

Amelia keeps asking me about small things for the party later today but I just tell her to make her own decisions based on what she thinks I would like.

It seems like the fifteenth time today that there is a knock on my door and I respond the same way.

"Amelia, I told you I really don't care what color you choose, or the food, or entertainment. You could set the palace on fire I would not care, this is just to please my parents and attempt to fool anyone who is smart enough to see through the lies."

"Who is Amelia?"

I turn quickly and see Mathieu.

"Get out." I say tiredly.

"I am sorry I know you don't want me speaking to you but I had a few questions regarding our first dance."

"Ask Sergio, I taught him your part he can answer whatever question you have."

"it's regarding the lift."

"Just forget about it, change the whole thing. I do not care."

He nods and walks away leaving me to working on my final report as princess of the Americas.

One of my maids informs me that it is time for me to change into my silver gown that will match with Mathieu's suit.

Reluctantly I let them do my hair and makeup and slip the gown on.

It is a mermaid fit illusion neckline gown that is quite flirty and my makeup is done a bit dark and sultry, my hair is down in loose waves and I chose this look to toy with Mathieu's emotions, I know it is cruel but a promise is a promise.

It is quite a feat to maneuver down the stairs with this gown but I manage to make it to the ballroom without falling down.

I wait with Mathieu atop the stairs to be announced to the crowd so the party can start, food isn't going to be severed as it is seven o'clock but I plan on feasting at the dessert table.

"You look beautiful." He remarks quietly.

"You look okay." I tease.

"Introducing the couple that brought us all here tonight Princess Jaclynn and Price Mathieu." The Master of Ceremonies says.

We walk out hand in hand as instructed firmly by my father. As I disputed having Mathieu's arm around my waist.

As we reach the center of the stairs Mathieu takes one of my ringlet curls and tucks it behind my ear and I don't move feeling rather uncomfortable.

He presses his lips against mine and I want to kick him where it counts. Instead I pinch his arm and he breaks away from me.

The crowd at the bottom of the stairs applaudes and I force a smile on my face.

Quickly I am engulfed in endless conversations about how I met Mathieu, why we chose to wed so quickly, when we plan on having children, and far more invasive questions.

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