Chapter Seventeen: Royal Wedding Part 4- Goodbye

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Everyone seems to examine me as I talk to them, as if a simple few words and a ring on my finger has changed me.

Mathieu is off in god knows where and part of me hopes that he is off kissing another girl.

Time ticks on and People grow more intoxicated and the dancing becomes informal.

Jax has consumed some alcohol which is apparent by the way he speaks to Abigail and the way he holds himself is with more confidence,

He talks to me about silly things and keeps talking about how beautiful Abigail looks and how old I look.

Abigail blushes with each compliment and Jax just laughs quietly.

All I am able to think about is the clock that is counting down my time remaining in America, as I am now a visitor, I now belong to France.

Four hours...

Mathieu returns from wherever in the world he disappeared to and as per tradition we cut the cake that is Seven Large white tiers and unable to help myself I smear it on his face once again.

He laughs before putting a bit of frosting on my nose.

Three hours...

For a large amount of time I talk to the other royals my age who congratulate me and say I looked beautiful though I didn't want to hear it.

Though I noted that Prince Mateo needs a sign of sorts to direct his eyes to mine.

Two hours.

I take time to dance will my father, and Ellise as well as all of Mathieu's siblings.

Gabriel accepts my invitation hesitantly before leading me to the dance floor.

"Thank you for making my brother happy." He says quietly.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You are faking emotions so that my brother is happy, and for that I thank you. I can see how miserable it is making you, whenever he kisses you, your nose crinkles as if you have smelled something foul." He tells me matter of factually.

"So you worry I am only there for the crown?" I ask confused by his calm demeanor.

"No, I think you would much rather do something in the arts, it shows when you dance or sing."

I nod and the song finishes.

He is quite observant.

Gabriel walks off and I find myself wandering around the ballroom looking for Abbigail or Jenn.

One Hour.

I find Abigail feigning of Jax who is besides himself for some reason, that unless drunk the alcohol is not the influence of.

"Hello Abigail." I say sitting next to her at the head table.

"Hi Jaclynn, I love how your skirt was removable." She smiles at me brightly.

"Thank you." I say cautiously. "What is up with Mr. Sunshine?" I ask with a laugh.

She grins, "He's been like that ever since I agreed to marrying him."

"What?!" I exclaim whacking Jax's arm to gain his attention..

So soon?

"I would have told you the second the thought crossed my mind, I just didn't want to bug you with your wedding."

I raise an eyebrow at him before turning back to Abbigail.

"Congratulations! Though there are a few things you ought to know about Jax-"

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