A Note Before Reading

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Hello And Thank you for Looking at my story.

I quickly want to address a few things I worry may get either frustrating or confusing.

#1. I took a leap of faith and have included a language I made up entirely called Nonsense Speech, while I try my best to be consistent with words and their translation there may end up being a few terms to a word. But Regardless the translation will always be there whether in dialogue or in Italics.

#2. I will be using Various Languages, with the aid of google translate. So please bear with the silly little errors if you speak french, or latin, or any of the other languages included. I will have a translation somewhere in the text along with the identification of which language is being used. It sounds confusing, I know, but it will make more sense if you continue on to Chapter 1.

#3. Jaclynn is Quite a stubborn girl, and that will become apparent quite quickly I try to make it minimal but given the situation she is in I believe I would act very similarly, though I myself am also a stubborn person.

#4. Jaclynn may come off as terribly mean and maybe a bit power crazy at times but as the story goes on we will be able to see the wonderful person that she truly is but keeps hidden.

#5. Prince Mathieu has good intentions, he is not a creep.

#6. Though I am publishing this online, I do not have an editor. Which means there will be some cringe worthy mistakes, but I will try to keep them to a minimum as I always try to review my chapters

So That's all for now But Feel free to ask any questions along the way!


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