Josh Meets Adrianna

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Monday, Adrianna

   "They should be here any minute now" Ron said. He's been saying that for the past 10 minutes. My butt was freezing.

"Okay, well while you're waiting for them, I'm going to go inside and start warming up. It's freezing out here." I said, my teeth chattering. We were standing outside STAR building waiting for Hailey and Josh, but alas, they're 10 minutes late. I guess actors can't tell time. I rolled my eyes and went inside. I went inside the locker room and changed into my spandex and took off my shirt revealing my sports bra. I put on my shoes and went to the studio. As I walked in I ran up the stage (yes we have a stage, the owners want us to practice like we're really on stage) but there were mirrors everywhere. I went to the laptop that controlled the music booming through the stage and chose a song that I usually warm up to. It was Beautiful Now-Marshmellow remix  by Zedd. I pressed play and ran to the stage and started my routine.


I looked out the window as the car drove us to the studio. I wasn't thrilled to learn how to dance, but it was for the movie. I wonder who the choreographer's are. All I know is that there's two of them, they're the best of the STAR group, one choreograph's the dances the group does and the other dances them and sings. "I hope they're not harsh." Hailey said, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"I hope not," I said "but if the company chose them they must at least have manners." Hailey laughed nervously. Hailey's new to the acting thing and this is her first major movie. I remember how nervous I was when I shot my first movie.

"We're here" said the driver as he pulled up to the building. The scene was breathtaking, the first floor walls were full of beautiful art and the second floor has spotless glass. A man was outside the entrance, shivering. I felt bad that we were almost half an hour late, but the limo broke down.

Hailey and I stepped out of the car and the man came to greet us. "Hi, I'm Ron, I'm going to choreograph the dances in the movie, I hope we have a fun time!" he says with enthusiasm. 
"Thanks, isn't there two people helping us?" I ask

"Oh, Adrianna is inside, she got tired of waiting and went to go warm up, I warn you now, she is a bit angry at you guys being so late." Ron said as we went inside. Great, already off to a bad start. Ron lead us to an elevator, when we got to the second floor Ron lead us to a room with a stage in it and lots of mirrors. Music booming in the room, I could feel the vibrations in my feet. As we got closer I saw a girl who looked like she was in her early 20s, but as I got closer I stopped and looked at the beautiful girl in front of me. The girl, Adrianna, I remembered, was wearing nothing but spandex and a sports bra. Tattoos surrounded her body. There was one on her right  side that looked like a trail of flowers that disappeared under her spandex and she had one on her left shoulder I saw as she turned that looked like words. But what was breathtaking about her was how she moved. As she dances to the unfamiliar song, she look so graceful and her dancing was flawless. I could watch her dance forever. Adrianna lifted her leg up to her head and twirled around on one foot. Damn, She's flexible.

"YO ADRIANNA! THEY'RE HERE!" Ron shouted, the music making it hard to hear anything else. Adrianna immediately stopped dancing and I felt disappointed. I liked watching her dance but then I saw her eyes. They were a beautiful green that I could stare at all day. But I couldn't help notice a sense of sadness coming from her eyes that made me want to break into a million pieces. She immediately smiled but the sadness was still there as she turned off the music and approached us, her hair was in a messy ponytail but she still looked beautiful.

"Hi," she said "I'm Adrianna" I loved her voice. It was rich and sweet and it was so... perfect.

"Hi!" Hailey said. Adrianna turned to me and it took me a minute to respond.

"Uh.. Hi." I said.  Smooth Josh. Adrianna smiled at me and said hi back. Suddenly she looked at me and at Hailey and frowned. 

"What's wrong?" Hailey asked nervously.

"Are you guys going to practice in that?" Adrianna said.  I looked at my outfit. I was wearing jeans and a hoodie. "What's wrong with it?" I said.
 "Well were going to work pretty hard so.. " Adrianna trailed off. Oh.

"Do you have any clothes we can borrow?" I asked.

"Sure," Ron said " I'll show you were you can change while Adrianna can get your music ready." Adrianna nodded and went to go find the music on the laptop on the floor. Well here goes nothing. Ron showed us to the locker rooms and got an assistant to get Hailey clothes in the lady's changing room and Ron led me to the men's locker room. Ron got some clothes from a locker and passed them to me.

"Hey Ron," I said. He looked over at me. "What's Adrianna like?" I asked nervously.

"Where do I start, for one thing, she's stubborn like a mule, has the temper of a firecracker, and, she can kick your ass so don't try anything with her." Ron said, raising an eyebtow, as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Umm.. anything else?" I said.

"She doesn't like guys fighting her battles. But other than those things she pretty nice, and she's a hard worker." Ron said. I'll keep that in mind.

"Thanks," I said. Ron smiled and left. "It's going to be just Adrianna today  because I have a meeting with the director, is that okay?" Ron asked.

"Yeah that's fine." I said. Good thing Hailey nwoyld be there and I don't have to be alone with Adrianna. Well she's probably not going to have any interest in me once she see's me dance.

I hope you like this chapter! The next chapter will be MUCH longer, don't worry!

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