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This song is perfect for this chapter.


"You son of a b****" I growl. I slap him, hard. "You think you can come waltzing right back into my life? Fat chance asshole." Marcus stands up and puts the ring away.

"Baby, I know I f**ked up. I shouldn't have left you when you needed me most, but I was so scared-"

"Shut the f**k up." I said, cutting Marcus off. "You weren't scared, you just used me and threw me away when you were done with me."

"I know. And I shouldn't have done that. I just didn't know what I was doing-" I slapped Marcus again.

"You knew exactly what you were doing. And don't tell me you love me, because I'm not going to take your bulls**t. You just want to use me again." I sneered.

"That's not true!" Marcus said. "I want you, Me, and our child to be a family. I do love you Adrianna, just let me show you." he got closer to me and tried to kiss me but I pushed him away.

"No. You didn't care about our child then, and you don't care about him now. I'm not going to be your wife." I said.

"You've changed so much. Before, you would have already said yes and we would be making love right now." Marcus said. I was disgusted at his words.

"Get out before I show you how much I've changed." I growled.

"I would love to see that." Marcus said suggestively. I punched him in the face.

"Get. Out." I said through my anger.

"I gave you chance Adrianna. Now we do things my way." Marcus said. Suddenly, Marcus grabbed my neck and pushed me up against the wall. I gasped and choked for air. I wouldn't be able to last long.

"You will be my wife." Marcus said.

"No way in hell." I managed to say. I then kicked Marcus where the sun doesn't shine. And kicked him hard. Marcus groaned and let go of me. I held my neck as I kicked him in the face, sending him sprawling on the floor. I tried to catch my breath, but Marcus got back up.

"I'll admit, you've grown a backbone. But that doesn't mean I still can't kick your ass." Marcus said, wiping the blood off his mouth. He came up to me and tried to punch me. I blocked it and blocked the other punch he sent at me. I decided to throw a punch of my own. But Marcus grabbed my fist, drew me close, and threw me on to the floor. He tried to kick my stomach but I grabbed his foot, twisted it, and kicked him in the back, causing Marcus to fall on the floor. I quickly crawled over to Marcus, straddled him, and sent punches at his face. Marcus tried to fight back but I was driven by my rage, he didn't even touch me.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU THINK YOU CAN COME WALTZING IN BACK INTO MY LIFE?! YOU CAN'T!! YOU LEFT ME PREGNANT AND ALONE!! YOU DESTROYED EVERY BIT OF SELF CONFIDENCE I HAD LEFT!! YOU THINK I'M SOME DELICATE SWAN WHO NEEDS PROTECTION? I DON'T NEED YOU OR ANY OTHER BASTARD IN THE WORLD! I LOATHE YOU WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BEING!!" I yelled at Marcus as I landed blow after blow. Pretty soon, I saw red. I heard Marcus yell something and I heard two men coming in. I felt hands on my body, pulling me away from Marcus. It must be the bodyguards. I turned my attention to them.

I head-butted the bodyguard on my left, making him fall to the ground unconscious. I used my free hand to punch the bodyguard on my right. He let go of me and I elbowed him in his temple, knocking him out cold.

"I had fun boys. We should do this again sometime." I said as I turned to leave. But before I could leave, someone tackled me to the ground. I felt something cold plunge into my neck. I felt myself starting to plunge into darkness. Oh s**t.

"There you go." I heard a male voice say. "That's better." I felt myself fading away, I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Take her to her father. He'll know what to do." I heard Marcus say in the distance. I felt myself panic. I wanted to struggle, but I was paralyzed. As I fell into darkness, my body was consumed in fear.



"So how did you land a girl like Adrianna?" Connor asked. Delilah had left over two hours ago and I was getting worried. Usually she'll send me a text letting me know that she's okay but I haven't heard from her yet. Calm down, maybe she ran into trouble and she had to take care of it.

"Honestly, I don't know. She could have any man she wants, easy." I said. It was true. Delililah was truly breathtaking. With her long, brown, hair and her vibrant green eyes, she could have any man. Especially with the body she has. Her long legs alone make me drool.

"Has she had a boyfriend before?" Mom asks. I know that she doesn't like Delilah, but she hasn't even tried to get to know her.

"Yeah. But she doesn't like to talk about it." I said. I didn't want to give any information about Delilah's past. It wasn't my story to tell.

"Well why not?" Mom pressed. I tried to calm my anger. My mother was starting to get on my nerves.

"Let's just say that he didn't treat her very well." I said. Connor's eyes went wide.

"Did he..." Connor said.

"No." I said. If he did, I would've already killed that bastard.

"Then I don't see a problem in telling us why Adrianna doesn't like to talk about her ex." Mom said. That's when I blew a fuse.

"Mom, just stop. You know nothing about Adrianna, and yet you're judging her on her looks. I know you're trying to protect me, but Adrianna isn't like that. I don't want you bad mouthing her anymore." I snapped.

"How do you know she won't hurt you?" Mom asks.

"Adrianna isn't like that. She already has money, she doesn't care for fame, and she has the most beautiful heart. Adrianna would never even dream of using me." I said. I know that Delilah wouldn't hurt me, and I wouldn't even think of hurting her.

"If you're so sure..." Mom says.

"Mom." I say.

"Fine." Mom says. "She said that she dances?"

"Yeah. You should see her... the way she moves, the way she expresses herself, it's like magic. And the way she sings..." I said, remembering the dance she did back in the safe house. I don't know how she puts so much emotion into her dancing.

"She sings too? Let me guess, she plays the piano." Connor said.

"I actually don't know. I've never asked. She probably does." I said. It wouldn't surprise me if Delilah did play an instrument.

*ring ring*

I jumped up when I heard my phone ring. I knew it was Delilah. I answered the phone and let out a breath of relief.

"Thank God, I was starting to-"

"Josh," Delilah cried. I immediately began to worry. "Help me."

Oh no. Delilah is in some big trouble. Sorry for the short chapter, I know you guys wait patiently for a new chapter and I give you this, but I wanted this chapter to be more intense. If I would've made it any longer, I would've ruined it. What do you guys think? To much, or, not enough! Please let me know in the comments!


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