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"I ponder of something great, my lungs will fill and then deflate, they fill with fire exhale desire..."

I groan as I wake to Josh's alarm. I recognized the song, it was Car Radio, by Twenty One Pilots. I turn off Josh's alarm and I groan as I feel my sore muscles strain as I reach for my phone. I turn look at Josh to see if he's awake. When I turn to look at him I see that he's still fast asleep. I try to quietly untangle our limbs so I can get out of bed. After I successfully get out of bed without waking Josh, I tiptoe over to the drawer and I start looking for clothes to wear. I had left my regular clothes at work.

I grab a sweatshirt and a pair of yoga pants and head into the bathroom to change. I look at my face in the mirror and im horrified as I see blood covering my teeth. Oh God. What if Josh got some blood in his mouth? My face heats up in embarrassment. I look for a toothbrush and some toothpaste. I successfully find them and I quickly brush my teeth. I finally start to change. As I change I see that I have a bruise on my left side and I decide to leave it alone, since I could easily come up with a lie to explain it. Once I finish changing I quickly put my hair in a French braid and I walk out.

"Good Morning." Josh says as I walk out of the bathroom. He's still in bed and his voice is deep and gravely, which I find very sexy.

"Morning." I say sweetly.

"What time do you have to get to work?" Josh asked.

"In an hour. Don't you have work today too?" I said. As I said this, I realized I haven't told Josh about Hailey yet.

"What? What's wrong?" Josh said, noticing my change of mood.

"It's Hailey... she was buying drugs from my father." I said.

"Oh." Josh said. "Did you sell it to her?"

"God no." I said. "She's in a lot of debt. I don't want to help her dig her grave."

"How much debt?" Josh asked.

"Enough for my father to notice. I already told his goons that I'd pay for the debt." I said.

"You're going to let her off the hook that easily?" Josh said in disbelief. I laughed.

"Oh no, I'm going to make sure that girl stays away from people like my father. Trust me." I said, coming up with a plan in my head.

"Nothing to drastic though. She still has a job to do." Josh said as he got out of bed.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said as I headed towards the door. "I'll see you downstairs." I head out the door and go downstairs so I can get some breakfast. As I enter the kitchen I see that there's something on the table. I walk over and I see a phone, keys, and a note.

The car is outside and the phone is for you. It has all your old contacts except for your father's. You won't be needing that. Come to the warehouse after your practice is over and we'll talk about our next step.


I take the phone out of its case and I see that it's an IPhone 6s. I put it in my pocket and I start looking through the cupboards for some painkillers. I find some Advil and I swallow two pills. I look through the refrigerator for anything to eat. I find some yogurt and as I grab I hear Josh come downstairs. I pause as I hear him try to sneak up behind me. I smirk. He thinks that he can sneak up me. That's cute.

"Hi Josh." I say as Josh moves right behind me.

"God damn it." Josh grumbles. I grab my yogurt and I turn around to face him.

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