Rescue Mission

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Splash. I woke up with a gasp when I felt ice cold water hit my head, trailing down my face. My body was aching from my fight with Marcus.

"Mother fu-"

"Hello sweetheart." my father said, cutting me off. I immediately growled when I saw him standing in front of me. He set me up. He knew that Marcus was going to be at the club, and that he was going to propose. I lunged for him, but I couldn't move. I looked down and I saw I was tied to a chair. My arms were tied behind the chair with some rope and my legs were tied together with rope. I also realized that I was at one of my father's warehouses. I started to pull at the restraints, trying to free myself.

"That won't work. I made sure that you wouldn't be able to escape." my father said smugly.

"I hate you." I growled.

"Now, that's no way to treat your father. The man who loved and cared for you." my father said with fake compassion.

"Loved?!" I yelled. "Does this look like love? You treat me like an animal, and not even that. What you call love is what others would call abuse! You only keep me around for your own benefit, and now you're selling me to the man, no, the coward who left me as a shell of who I used to be! How the f**k is that love and care?"

"It's not my fault you're a slut like your mother." My father said, shrugging his shoulders. "And I turned you into a warrior, someone to be feared. To be respected. I trained you to be powerful."

"No. You trained me to be a murderer. You trained me to ruin lives. You trained me to be a monster!!" I yelled in outrage.

"One day you'll understand why I raised you the way I did. But right now, you need to be punished." my father said, his voice taking a dark tone.

"Go ahead." I said. "Hit me, shoot me, I don't care anymore."

"Oh no." my father said. "This time, you get a different punishment."

"What, are you going to leave me in the cold?" I said.

"No. I'm going to give you to Marcus." my father said. At that moment, I felt my stomach drop. I'm used to my father's beatings, but the things that Marcus would do to me...

"No." I whispered softly in disbelief.

"Yes." My father says. "He is your soon-to-be husband, he needs practice. I'll let him have you for 24 hours so he can do whatever he wishes with you."

"No." I sobbed. I already knew what Marcus would do to me, and that scared me more than anything else. I could take beatings, but if Marcus wanted to... I couldn't even think about it.

"He should be here in a few hours. You gave him a pretty good beating, Marcus should give you a fair punishment." My father said as he left through the door, another man coming in to keep watch on me. He closed the door. I screamed and thrashed, trying to free myself. He can't take me, he can't...

I knew that I spent a good hour thrashing until I calmed down. Stop. You have to find a way out. Look around you. I looked around the room and I saw a piece of sharp metal sticking out of one of the many pipes in this room. Problem is, it's half way across the room. I could barely move as it is, but I had to try. I looked at the guard, and he had his back turned to me. I know that I could easily knock him out with my chair, but not without him going to his radio and calling for help. This room was soundproof, but all the man had to do was press a button and help would come. I couldn't take it out of his hand without him noticing. I know that my father isn't stupid. He's ready for every scenario with me and has the place crawling with guards.

Broken (A Josh Hutcherson Fan fiction) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant