Jason part I

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I shake the depressing thoughts entering my head as I walk to the dance room upstairs. I'm stopped by a familiar voice. "Adrianna!!" My friend Mary Katherine yells and she runs to hug me.

I smile as Mary Katherine hugs me. It's as if I was older than her when in reality she's 3 years older than me. I met Mary Katherine a few days after I got I was accepted into the STAR group. A few girls were giving me a hard time and Mary Katherine... persuaded them to leave. We've been friends ever since. Mary Katherine has blond hair and hazel eyes. Her personality is... out there. "It's good to see you Kath." I say.

"I heard that you're working with Josh Hutcherson! Why didn't you tell me!!" Mary Katherine demanded.

"I wanted to, I really did, but I couldn't until Josh and Hailey got here so they wouldn't be bombarded when they got here. I was planning on telling you today." I explained.

"Alright. You are forgiven. But if you so this to me again then you must face the consequences." She said in a fake stern voice.

"I'm trembling in fear." I said sarcastically and Mary Katherine laughed.

"Guess who's working with us today." Mary Katherine said, her face holding annoyance.

"Who?" I asked


"Oh no." I answered. Penelope "helped" the group every once in a while. Penelope used to be a contemporary dancer when she was younger and her training was hard core. She was homeschooled so she could persue her career, she danced almost 40 hours a week and her diet was a salad and water every morning, evening, and night. Penelope is now 54 and she's like that ballet teacher who hates everybody. She works everybody until we're ready to collapse. We usually train on the stage, but Penelope makes us practice in what she calls "a real dance floor". Have you ever seen Dance Moms? Yeah, that's where she makes us practice. Not that it's horrible, but I prefer the stage. It doesn't have as much mirrors. The room we practice in has mirrors on every wall. Even the door. It's just creepy.

"I feel you. Come on, let's go." Mary Katherine said as we headed towards the room.

As we entered, as saw that the rest of the group had shown up, except Kane. I saw Will giving glaring at me and I flipped him off and Mary Katherine laughed. In the STARS group, there's 12 of us. Six men and six women. As me and Mary Katherine entered, I heard someone yell "ADRIANNA!!!!" and I felt someone tackle me to the ground. I immediately knew who it was. Charlie. He's been my friend since I arrived. Charlie was only a year older than me, and he was built, and pretty handsome too. But I only ever thought of him as a friend. He had dirty blond hair that he had in a swoosh up do and skin that was not even close to being tan.

"Oww Charlie." I groaned in pain on the floor.

"What the f**k, girl? Where have you been? You haven't texted, called, nothing!" Charlie demanded, ignoring my pain.

"I'll tell you if you get off me." I wheezed, my back screaming in pain. Charlie got up and I told him the exact same thing I told Mary Katherine and I got the exact same threat.

"Oh Adrianna, I forgot to ask you, who dropped you off today." Mary Katherine asked, raising her eyebrows.

"So Charlie, how's Dean?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Oh no, sweetheart, you don't get to change the subject to my boyfriend, we haven't heard about your love life in a while " Charlie said.

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