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Here I stood, taking on ten men at once. Lord help me.

"So, what are my chances of you guys letting me go?" I said, trying to stall. My body was still throbbing in pain from my fight with Marcus.

"None. But don't worry, we won't kill you, we'll just hurt you and put you in a lot of pain." one of the guards said.

"Pass." I said, waving my hand in dismissal.

"Enough of this bulls**t. Let's just take her and go." another guard said. With that, all the men came at me.

The first man came up to me and he tried to punch me in the face but I blocked the punch. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw another man bringing the barrel of his gun to my temple, but I pushed the first man's body in front of mine so he could take the hit and I shot the other man. I felt someone tug my hair backwards but I just did a backwalk over and hit the man with the barrel of my gun, knocking him unconscious. I didn't even have time to get ready for the next one.

I felt someone kick me in the face, making me fall the ground. I turned to my attacker and I saw him bringing his foot down to kick me once more but I grabbed his foot and twisted it, making him fall down. I brought my leg down to his and I heard a crack! The man screamed in pain as I dislocated his leg.

One after the other, men came at me, and I barely managed to get out alive. I soon stood with a bloody mouth, my head throbbing, a split lip, and ten men at my feet. They were either dead or unconscious. I couldn't tell. I grabbed one of the men's gun and I made my way through the warehouse, looking for more guards.

"Adrianna!" I heard a familiar voice shout behind me.

"Dylan. Thank God." I sighed as I turned around, facing Dylan and another guard who must be a rebel.

"Oh my God. Your mouth-"

"I know." I said, wiping blood off my mouth. "I'll be okay. Nothing serious."

"Chris called me, they're on their way. I know a way out, follow me." Dylan said. I nodded and Dylan led us to a door that had a keypad on it. As he was typing in the code, I heard shouts coming towards us, they were faint, but I heard them.

"They found us." I said.

"Go." said the guard who was with Dylan. "I'll hold them off."

"What? No, we'll take them down together. It's not an army." I said.

"You're already weak as it is. We can't risk having you killed. You're the most important asset in our rebellion." the guard said.

"If you think I'm going to let you take those men on by yourself, you're crazy. I am not some helpless little girl." I argued. I wiped my mouth once more to get rid of the blood pooling in my mouth.

"Adrianna, we know you're not helpless, but you're hurt-"

"It's not serious!" I said, interrupting Dylan. "I will not run away from a fight because I have a little cut. I've been in worse situations."

"It's not you I'm afraid for, it's Josh." Dylan said.

"What?" I said, my voice quiet.

"He's coming too. And if he sees that your not out there, safe and sound, he's going to storm in here. What if he sees you kill? Do you really want him to see that side of you? Or what if he's killed?" Dylan said. His words plunge fear into my heart. Josh has seen me kill, but he's never seen me in a blood bath. I know that there will be three times more men than earlier, and I also know that I won't be able to rely on my gun the entire time. I don't want Josh to see me like that. And the thought of Josh dying, I couldn't even fathom it. If Josh dies, I'll never forgive myself. He doesn't deserve to be killed when he's done nothing wrong.

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