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               I try to prepare myself for what I have to do. I can't let Josh be in my life. I'm putting him in danger and if he gets hurt it'll be all my fault. I want to be nice about it but I now that probably won't work. I have to be ready to be a b***h. Well you used to be one. My inner self says. Shut up. I say to my inner self.

               My nose starts to itch from the tube in my nose. I want to rip the damn thing off, even if it's helping me breathe. They took the needle that gave me the blood out. My back aches from my wounds. I probably got some new scars. I already have ideas on what tattoos I want to cover them. I start to inspect myself for any new scars. Nope. The one on my leg will fade over time. All I see is the stupid finger thing on my pointer finger. I f**king hate hospitals. I've had my fair share of visits and I hate being stuck inside one room with things in me. I want to get of this damn hospital as quick as I can. As I continue with my rant I hear voices outside my door.

                  Dr. Shultz and Josh come in and I see Josh's face with up when he sees my face. That won't be happening anymore. "Adrianna, thank god you're okay." he walked to my side of the bed and inspected my face, looking for any bruises. When he saw none, he looked at Dr. Shultz, "Is there anything we need to know doc?" He asked.

                  "Yes." He answered, "Adrianna took a pretty bad hit and her wounds suffered greatly. The scars are there to stay, excpet for the one on her leg and Adrianna will be sore for the next few weeks. I advise that she take a break and take time to heal-"

                  "Absolutely not." I interrupted, "I cannot miss dance. The winter festival is in a few days. Practice is crucial."

                   "Adrianna." Josh said scornfully, "The men got you pretty hard. You need to rest."

                   "One day. I'll miss practice tomorrow and that's it." I said.
                   "All I ask is that you rest. Make sure not work yourself to hard." Dr. Shultz said. I nodded.

                   "Josh, will let you let me have a minute alone with Adrianna?" Dr. Shultz asked.

                   "Sure." Josh responded. He left the room quietly.

                   "Who was it?" Dr. Shultz asked once Josh left.

                   "Alex's men. They just wanted pay back on what I stole. Nothing more. Nothing less. They don't know who my father is. They don't know he sent me to steal the drugs. They think I'm just some druggie who knows how to fight." I explained.

                    "You're father is putting you in too much danger. First it was the club, now he's making you go into the enemy's territory without back-up. He's going to send you on your death mission if he keeps at it." Dr. Shultz said, pacing the room.

                      "Then I'll practice more. I'll become unbeatable. I'll find new ways to fight, new ways to kill. I'll become the assassin my father wants me to be." I said.

                      "One day you will find an opponent you can't defeat." Dr. Shultz argued, "Whenever you progress, someone else does too."

                       "Then I'll just have to progress faster. I'll have to be faster, stronger, and smarter than anybody else I'll fight." I retorted, "Shultz, stop trying to protect me. This is inevitable. My father won't stop sending me on assignments. Yes, one day I will met the one person I can't beat. And when I do, I'll welcome death with open arms."

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