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I looked at Adrianna's face as I led her to the elevator. The bruise on her jaw was black and blue and almost reached her cheek. Her eyes were red puffy, like she'd been crying. Her hair was straight and neon blue. She had a sports bag that was full of things.  I desperately wanted to know what happened to her. I knew I needed to wait for my answers. Adrianna held a sadness in her eyes that made me wonder why someone so beautiful could look so... unhappy. Every time I look at her I feel as if she's given up on being happy. The only time I've seen Adrianna like look truly happy was when I saw her dance. What if I could make her happy again? What if I was the one to save her from the darkness?  I wanted to be the one to help Adrianna find happiness again but I had a feeling that was easier said than done. I shook the ridiculous thoughts out of my head. I've only Adrianna for one day. I don't even know anything about her, how could I have feelings for her? As I looked at Adrianna's face I saw that she had a nose ring.

"I didn't know you had a nose ring." I said. The elevator dinged and we stepped inside.

"Yeah I used to wear it during practice but I stopped doing that a while ago." Adrianna answered lamely, sounding exhausted.

"Why?" I asked. I don't know why I was being so nosey, but it didn't seem to bother Adrianna.

"I was doing a front arial, but I tripped and fell on my face and my nose ring stabbed the inside of my nose." She said, shrugging her shoulders. Her face showed a twinge of pain but she quickly hid it. Hmm.

 "Ouch." Adrianna shrugged her shoulders at my comment. The elevator dinged when we got to the top floor.  As we got out of the elevator Adrianna walked in front of me and that's when I saw it. There was blood coating her sweatshirt and I could see the blood was spreading. "Oh my god Adrianna, you're bleeding!" I yelled, running up to her side.

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice." She said quietly as she put her head down. I noticed that there was red on pants, and it was getting bigger.What the hell happened to her? I was determined to find out what happened to her. Now more than ever.

"Adrianna who did this to you?" I asked gently.

"I can't tell you." She whispered.

"Adrianna look at me." I said. She shook her head, her eyes skrewed shut in pain. I gently grabbed her chin and put her head up.  "Adrianna please, who did this to you?" I begged. Adrianna opened her eyes and I saw tears clouding them.

"I wish I could tell you." She said.

"Adrianna did someone... touch you?" I asked, not wanting to say the foul words.

"No." She shook her head.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"Hutcherson please, stop asking me this. I'm tired and as you can see, I'm not feeling the best." She said trying to avoid my question. I sighed and grabbed Adrianna's bag from her, lifted Adrianna up, my hands under her legs and armpits, trying to avoid her wounds. "Put me down, I can walk." She said. She squirmed in my hold but that just made me hold her tighter to my chest. She gave up, exhaustion taking over. We got to my room, and I laid her down on the bed and I dropped her bag on the floor. I ran to the bathroom to garb a first aid kit. I ran back to where Adrianna was laying. I coughed awkwardly.

"Adrianna can I see where you're hurt?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Um... I need you to take off your shirt." I said awkwardly. Adrianna pulled her sweater up and over her head.

"I swear Hutcherson if you try something-"

"No, I won't." I said quickly. Adrianna nodded her head, stood up and turned around. I gasped at what I saw. Her back was full of bloody gashes. It's as if someone whipped her. I didn't dare ask Adrianna, she was too tired. I took of the bloody bandages that were on her back. "This is going to hurt, a lot." I said. Adrianna nodded her head.  I started to wipe the blood off with a towel. After I was finished the towel was nearly dripping the blood I wiped up. I threw the bloody towel in the hamper and got the rubbing alcohol. I started to put the alcohol on her back. Adrianna growled in pain. "Sorry, Sorry. Just a little bit more." I said. After I finished I grabbed medical tape and wrapped it around her wounds. I grabbed a shirt from my drawer and handed it to her. "You can sleep in this." I said. Adrianna only nodded. "I still need to see your leg." I said.  Adrianna took of her pants. Her legs were beautiful. They were long and slender and tan with tattoos on them. The flowers I saw earlier on her left side ended on the outside of her thigh. I saw that she had a bruise near that tattoo. On her right calf, I saw a Phoenix with it's wings raised up and fire surrounding it. Stop looking at her like some pervert and actually do something. I started to wipe the blood from Adrianna's cut. I did the same routine I did with her back, except Adrianna only flinched when I put the alcohol on her. When I finished, I put the first aid kit back in the cabinet.

Broken (A Josh Hutcherson Fan fiction) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang