Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

Arms donned in plastic bags, I made my way through the busy streets of New York for the second, and hopefully the last time today. For some strange reason though, I was much happier then I have been in a while. The ice that had been covering my heart was now melting away slowly and reveling the warmth I had been longing for. Maybe seeing Kevin at the store wasn't as bad as I thought. I smiled as I realized I finally had a friend after so much time of being a loner.

All my happy thought subsided when I reached the steps if the apartment and heard a familiar voice. I turned around and my eyes almost popped out of my head. My heart twisted and its beating turned erratic.

“Kingsley?” I breathed. I watched him laugh and almost didn't recognize his new features. His bottle blond companion linked her arm in his as the laughed and talked. As they walked past he glanced at me and my breath caught in my throat. Say something. Please! I pleaded with my eyes. He stopped and opened his mouth and a shuddered breath escaped my mouth.

“Hey. Something wrong?” The girl asked as she tugged his arm. His eyes narrowed as he searched my face. Like he was trying to figure me out. Does he not remember me? How could he not? We shared so many priceless memories that can't be so easy to forget. As much as I wished they were, they couldn’t be erased from the corners of my mind. He shook his head and turned around to walk away. The girl looked over her shoulder at me and then back to Kingsley. I stood there, frozen in place until I snapped back into reality. Kingsley was here. He was back. I ran into the building and up the stairs.

“Please be home.” I said as I inserted my key into the gray metal door, Slamming it shut with a heavy push with my foot.

“Camden?” I yelled as I quickly threw the bags on the kitchen counter. I shook my shoes off and looked around the apartment. I heard a noise come from a room in the back of the apartment and a smirk grew on my face. Bingo. I made my way to the room, and without stopping, I opened the door and found a lump under the sheets of the bed.

“Oh.” Felix's head popped out from beneath at the sound of my comment and Camden's head followed-but from the top.

“Oh.” I repeated dragging the word out longer and letting a smile draw across my face. Felix? On bottom? He was so not going to live this down.

“What the?” Camden said confused as he slid off of Felix. “I thought you were at the store.”

“Penelope! Knocking is your best friend!” Felix yelled at me, his face turning red from embarrassment.

“And so is answering me when I call your name a million fucking times. Anyway, this is beside the point'”

“I don't think so! This is so humiliating! Why didn't you just knock or take a hint as to why we weren't answ-”

“I said listen!” I groaned as I punched his exposed leg. “I was on my way back when I heard a familiar voice and as I turned around, lo and behold, it was Kingsely!” Immediately, Camden jumped out of the bed.

“What? Is he still out there?” he asked enthusiastically, not realizing he was exposing every bit a and piece of his creamy pale body. My eyes widened as they traveled to the sudden growth down below that he had failed to cover.

“Wow. Okay. I just saw more of you then I wanted to.” Felix followed my eyes and smiled at what I was suggesting to.

“No, he isn't there anymore. He-” I stopped as I recalled what had happened and felt the lump rising in my throat. “He ignored me and walked by with a another girl.” I said blinking back tears. Reality just bitch slapped my in the face again.

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