Chapter 5

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A/N: WARNING! THERE WILL BE SOME GUYXGUY ACTION IN THIS CHAPTER. Nothing really sexual, but just a warning that there will be so, don't bless me out for it. I will put a warning before every chapter when there will be some sexual content so, no worries there. Now with that being said and out of the way, enjoy!~

Chapter 5 (Camden's POV)

 I was beyond pissed. Words could not even describe how enraged I was. I could feel my blood boiling as I walked up the stairs to the apartment. Who the hell did my parents think they were? Matchmakers? Hell no. They needed to stick with their business lives and let me live mine. With a guy. The guy I love. Felix. Not some prim and proper, over zealous, way to enthusiastic girl. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she was going to be nice or good at something, but I've met most of the daughters of my parents colleges. They weren't the sweetest cookies in the oven. In fact, the were the farthest thing from being wife material.

And even if I was attracted to women, I wouldn't be getting married right now. I'm twenty-three years old. I still have a couple years to get settled. I wanted to by a house, get a good job, get enough money saved up so when I do get married and it headed down south, I had enough in the bank to support me on my own. Even with that being said, my parents still had no right on choosing who I wanted to marry. When they found out I was gay, I left for college the next day. I spent three years not having heard or said a single word to them. Then when I graduated, the surprised me by showing up. We went out to dinner and they said they still couldn't accept the fact I liked men, but if it made me happy, it made them happy also.

Yeah, well that was a bunch of bullshit.

If they wanted me to be happy, they just slapped that out of the ball park. But I wasn't letting them win that easily. I was a grown man. I made my own decisions and I don't need my parents to support me. Hell, I've gotten through four years without their support. Ha no. I wasn't going down without a fight.

Everyone walked in and I set my keys on the dining room table by the bay window. I turned around to grab Felix, but he was already walking towards the bedroom, his head hung down low. I'm guessing the scene I caused at my parents house after the news was taking its toll on him. It shoudln't though. He should know I wasn't going to let this happen. 

"You guys and do whatever you want, just don't be so loud. I gotta take care of some things." I told Kingsley and Felix as I made my way to my room also.

"Are you going to do it?" I stopped and turned around to see Kingsley staring at me, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Do what?" I deadpanned. 

"Marry the girl?" Obviously he had missed the whole entire fiasco that happened an hour ago and my parents house. I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut before opening them.

"No. I'm not. I've worked to hard to get Felix, I'm not letting him go that easy and I'm not giving my parents the upper hand either." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. Kingsley nodded then smiled at me.

"Okay. Well then, go make it right with Felix." He chuckled. I flashed a wicked grin at him and his smile dropped from his face.

"Well that's more then I needed to know about what goes on behind closed doors."

"And under sheets."

"Dude!" Kingsley yelled, cover his ears and walking to his room. I chuckled and turned to continue into our room. The door was closed and I hesitated a second before rapping on it with my knuckles. The door was closed all the way though because it opened just was I started knocking.

"Felix." I murmered. I looked in to see him sitting on the bed. His knees pulled up to his chest while he held on to a pillow, his face buried into it. I walked in and closed the door quietly before kicking off my shoes. 

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