Chapter 4

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       Chapter 4

  A few weeks had past since Kingsley came knocking at our apartment door, and it was safe to say that I was ecstatic. Well, at least I should be. But I wasn't. All due to the fact that not one day in the weeks he has been here, has there been a peaceful morning, afternoon or evening.  Now I was nervous to go back to school knowing that I could easily come home to either someone dead or someone gone. Not quite sure I could make it through if Kingsley left again. I exhaled and shook my head at the thought, looking out the window as the morning sun began to peak through. A sign to get up. I shifted a little in bed but a huge arm swung around and landed on top of me, knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Kingsley. I have to get up." I wheezed as I tried to collect back some air. He moved his head from the pillow and glared at me. "No." He murmured, closing his eyes as his brunette bangs fell down into them. I groaned and pushed his arm off my stomach. I threw the blankets off, hissing as the cold air hit my bare legs. I was about to get up when I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me back down.

"Dammit Kingsley." I harshly whispered. I tried to remove his arm, but it only seemed to tighten at each attempt causing me to grunt and throw my arms down in defeat. I lay there waiting for him to fall asleep so I could quickly remove his arm and get out of bed when I heard a throaty chuckle escape his lips. I looked over at him and saw he was staring at me intently. "What?" I asked my eyes widening at the thought of something being on my face. He removed his arm and sat up shaking his head, causing his bangs to fall to the side of his face. "Nothing." He yawned, crossing his legs and leaning his back against the wall. I shrugged it off, not wanting to start a fight on my first day back to school. I climbed out of bed and over to the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes had improved and my complexion was seemingly brighter compared to the gray and dull one I had before. Who knew getting back a lost loved one could do wonders on you skin. I smirked at myself and felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. I looked into the mirror and saw Kingsley staring at me, his chin on my shoulder. I chuckled and patted his head. "I gotta get ready." I whispered. He groaned and let go and turned around, plopping himself down on the bed. 

"Why do you have to back today?" He sounded like a five year old that had just gotten his candy taken away. I frowned at him and grabbed a pair of light skinny jeans that were rolled up to about the ankle and had a couple holes adorning them, giving them a distressed feel.

"Oh come one Kingsley. It's been a week, I can't miss anymore days. Not when it took me so long to get into this college." I stated calmly, buttoning my jeans up and sliding a thin braided belt into the loops of my pants, buckling it and patting my sides as I looked at Kingsley studying the floor. 

"Hey." I walked over to, bending down and grabbing his hands in mine. "Why are so upset about this? Normally, I would be the one acting sad but it seems we've switched roles today." I laughed lightly, causing him to look up. I watched his chocolate eyes staring at me intently. The way the light hit them, making them look almost like the color or espresso, rich with reddish brown flecks. They seemed almost breathe taking, and I could feel myself getting lost in them. "Camden and Felix don't like me." He stated, looking away. No shit. After weeks or torment and harsh comments, one would think that. I sighed and cupped his cheek. 

"Don't worry alright?" I stood up and grabbed a maroon sweater from the floor an threw it at him. "Get dressed and I'll go talk to them before I leave. Okay?" I smiled at him and he nodded throwing the shirt on. Time to focus on my own outfit. I threw off the hoodie I was wearing and grabbed a loose white v-neck from the open drawer of the dresser, then over to the closet to pull out a tan blazer and sliding it on. Kingsley was already finished getting dressed and decided to leave the room while I finished getting ready. His personality really changed over the years. I thought to myself as I pulled my hair into a messy side braid, letting some curls fall along the sides of my face. He used to be so care free and barley anything bothered him. Now he was all soft and sensitive. I let a frustrated sigh, giving myself a once over in the mirror before journeying into the open loft. I saw Camden and Felix sitting on the loft seat watching some movie on the flat screen that we had just bought a month ago. Camden and I were perfectly fine with the small television we had but Felix was non-stop about wanting to get "a more modern and hip electronic device and since the T.V. was the only thing in the apartment that was out of date, it had to go." His exact words. He was so stubborn when he got his mind set on something. After weeks or torment, Camden caved and let him buy it. I glanced over and saw Kingsley making something at the stove. Judging by the pleasing aroma that filled the air, it was bacon and eggs. I walked into the kitchen and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing his shoulders. "I'm gonna go talk to them alrighty?" He nodded and touched his head against mine, giving me a light bump. His sign of telling me to go on. 

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