Chapter 6

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A/N: A warning and precaution. The rest of this story is gonna have some grotesque things when the action starts to hit, so if you can't handle that...yeah. I'll put a warning before each chapter that has gory stuff about to happen so you can be warned.

Other than that, I rushed this chapter a little. Nothing really happened T__T But the dream has a significance and the next chapter is gonna be EPICCC *O*

Picture on side is of Kingsley


Chapter 6

Penelope's POV~

I woke up to a loud bang that had a continuous ring sounding out through the room. When my eyes opened, it was dark. Pitch black. I squeezed  my eyes shut and opened them again, thinking they just hadn't adjusted. 

Boy was I wrong.

I gulped back the fear rising in my throat and felt around the nothingness. I wasn't on my bed. Why wasn't I on my bed? I searched around with my hands, feeling nothing but solid ground.

"Okay. Why the fuck am I on the ground?" I questioned out loud. This was getting weird. I pushed off the ground to a standing position, turning around myself. There had to light somewhere. I walked forward keeping my hands out in front of me, trying to see if I could feel something. Sweat was forming on my forehead as the fear came creeping back into my brain. 

"Oh my god. Oh my god." I repeated as I continued my slow crawl forward.

Another loud bang erupted through the air and I screamed, falling to my knees and covering my head with my arms. My breathing was jagged and as I slowly removed my hands and stood back up. That's when I heard a laugh.

Not a regular laugh. Not a little child's laugh.


This was a blood gurgling laugh. One that sounded like it belonged to something terrifying. Something that hid in the darkest parts of the world. Darkest parts of your mind. Waiting to escape. 

And I think it just did.

Goosebumps rose on my skin as I felt my eyes sting with the threat of tears. 

"Felix? Camden?" I called out. This had to be them. They were trying to play a prank on me or something. Yeah. That's it. I decided to continue walking, keeping my hands in front of me, stretched out and waving around. Hopefully I would find a wall or a door. I heard something dripping in the space I was in, it's echo caring out and giving the atmosphere an eerie feeling. 

I heard another demonic laugh break through and I started sobbing as I continued forward. It was getting closer. I sniffed and quickened my pace a little, hands still searching for something. Anything. I just needed to get out. A low rumble sounded out and I stopped, looking up at nothing and then continued. 

My breathe hitched as I stepped in something wet. I slowly stepped back and turned to go in another direction. I could feel something watching me. It's eyes burning my back. More tears escaped as I stepped in something wet again. But this time it was sticky. I turned around and continued walking, only to freeze in place when I heard heavy footsteps. My heart was racing as the footsteps drew near and I went to run, only to trip and fall on my face. I cursed at the stinging sensation that grew along my leg, but my attention was drawn to the fact that I was laying in whatever was wet and sticky on the ground. 

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