Chapter 18

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WARNING. There is a very explicit scene in this chapter. It is towards the end however, I will indicate where it starts and ends with these (***) 

I don't see why I have to put a warning since this book is rated R, but meh. watevah.

Chapter 18

(Penelope POV)

I sighed as I slid down further into the couch in the library. Fannie and Kevin were going at it with each other and Xavier was being...well...Xavier.

"How the hell was I supposed to know she would hit on you?" Fannie yelled defensively. They had apparently gotten into a predicament on the way to the library and decided now, of all times, was the best to settle it. I had zoned out the minute they started yelling in hushed voices; not wanting, but more of not caring to hear what their argument was about this time.

It had been two weeks since we returned from getting Trevor and Kinsley back.

Ah, Kingsley.

The very man that was the cause to my depression yet again. 

I had stayed locked in my room for about two days before caving in and leaving to get food and piss. To my surprise, everyone and their grandma was in the apartments living room. Fannie was the first to me, knocking Kevin down in the process. Xavier sat on the chair in the far right corner and Camden and Felix were cuddling on the couch. I said I didn't want to talk about it anymore, and they didn't push the subject.

As far as I was concerned, it was long forgotten. At least I hoped...

"You could've told her that I was oh, well I dunno, ALREADY TAKEN." Kevin snapped her, causing a few students to glare at our table. Fannie waved them off and turned back to a fuming Kevin.

"Well, it could help with the fact that your a pretentious asshole." Fannie deadpanned, glancing down and looking at her nails, signaling that she was bored with the topic of the conversation.

"I am not!" Kevin snorted. Fannie froze, her eyes darting up at him. "Yeah. Okay. You aren't. It is very easy to look past your pompous attitude and see you are indeed, good nature." Fannie stated, gaining a chuckle from Xavier, who had been silent the whole conversation, just like myself.

"Um, excuse me? What's so funny?" Kevin sneered at Xavier and I had to slap a hand over my mouth to stop my laughter. Xavier nearly shook his head and Fannie sighed.

"Enough with the serious talk. Penelope. Let's talk about you and Asian boy here." She said, giving me a devilish grin.

"I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from calling me that." Kevin snapped and Fannie waved her hand at him.

"Like I care what you want or need. Now, Penelope-" She said again, her eyes growing serious. I flinched at her tone and I had a feeling I knew what she wanted to talk about. But in front of everyone?

"Could we-uh...maybe not talk about it in here." I stammered, my face heating up as I looked down in my lap.

"I'm busy later, so its now or never. And I'm not giving you a choice, so its now." Before I could open my mouth and tell her no she had already started talking and I wanted to die from embarrassment.

"You and Kevin broke the love barrier in Hell, which I'm happy you did cause Kevin seriously needed to get laid."

"Hurtful!" Kevin gasped and Fannie rolled her eyes. "Judging from how you're acting now, I'd say you guys broke that barrier again recently." I looked up and saw she was looking at me with a smirk. "Haven't you?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I groaned, slapping my hands to my face and onto the table.

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